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Listview- When Entry cell in custom view cell is changed, underlying source not updating.



I have a simple listview, one label and one entry cell. Whenever i type something in entry cell value, underlying ObservableCollection is not updating.
Here is my code.

----------------- Model
public class TicketItem : INotifyPropertyChanged
[PrimaryKey, AutoIncrement]
public String Description { get; set; }

    private Double? _quantityNeeded;
    public Double? QuantityNeeded
        get { return _quantityNeeded; }
        set { _quantityNeeded = value; OnPropertyChanged("QuantityNeeded"); }

    public event PropertyChangedEventHandler PropertyChanged;
    protected void OnPropertyChanged(string propertyName)
        PropertyChanged?.Invoke(this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs(propertyName));

------------------ ViewModel
public class ItemsViewModel : INotifyPropertyChanged
public event PropertyChangedEventHandler PropertyChanged;

    protected void OnPropertyChanged(string propertyName)
        PropertyChanged?.Invoke(this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs(propertyName));

    private ObservableCollection<TicketItem> _itemSignsList;
    public ObservableCollection<TicketItem> ItemSignsList
        get { return _itemSignsList; }
        set { _itemSignsList = value; OnPropertyChanged("ItemSignsList"); }

    public ItemsViewModel()
        ItemSignsList = new ObservableCollection<TicketItem>(DataSource.GetData());
            ItemSignsList.CollectionChanged += ItemSignsList_CollectionChanged;

    private void ItemSignsList_CollectionChanged(object sender, System.Collections.Specialized.NotifyCollectionChangedEventArgs e)
        if (e.NewItems != null)
            foreach (TicketItem item in e.NewItems)
                item.PropertyChanged += TicketItem_PropertyChanged;

        if (e.OldItems != null)
            foreach (TicketItem item in e.OldItems)
                item.PropertyChanged -= TicketItem_PropertyChanged;

    void TicketItem_PropertyChanged(object sender, PropertyChangedEventArgs e)
        // Never comes here
        if (e.PropertyName == "QuantityNeeded")


--------------------- Xaml.cs
public partial class ItemSignsPage : ContentPage
ItemsViewModel istvm;
bool IsTabLoaded { get; set; }

    public ItemSignsPage()

    protected override void OnAppearing()

        lvItemSigns.ItemTemplate = new DataTemplate(typeof(DataCell));
        istvm = new ItemsViewModel();
        this.BindingContext = istvm;
        lvItemSigns.ItemsSource = istvm.ItemSignsList;

    class DataCell : ViewCell
        public DataCell()
            var grid = new Grid();
            grid.ColumnDefinitions.Add(new ColumnDefinition { Width = new GridLength(10, GridUnitType.Star) });
            grid.ColumnDefinitions.Add(new ColumnDefinition { Width = new GridLength(2, GridUnitType.Star) });

            var lblItemDesc = new Label();
            lblItemDesc.SetBinding(Label.TextProperty, "Description");
            grid.Children.Add(lblItemDesc, 0, 0);

            var entryQtyDelRet = new Entry();
            entryQtyDelRet.SetBinding(Entry.TextProperty, new Binding("QuantityNeeded", BindingMode.TwoWay));

            grid.Children.Add(entryQtyDelRet, 2, 0);

            View = grid;

Please help. If there is no way of ObservableCollection automatically updating if listview entrycell is changed then is there a way to get the value of entry which is changed preferably the object itself for that row.


Hi . Xamarin ios app store


Hi, I have not been able to deploy iOS in xamarin and share apps in the app store.

ZXing.Net.Mobile BarcodeWriter in Xamarin.Forms (PCL)


How do I create a QRCode and render the bitmap onto a Image using Xamarin.Forms?

get current location Xam.Plugin.Geolocator


i use Xam.Plugin.Geolocator, i did the same as the documentation, and it work find in android emulator, but when i deploy it to my mobile,
i got this exception:

{System.Threading.Tasks.TaskCanceledException: A task was canceled.
at Plugin.Geolocator.FusedGeolocatorImplementation+d__32.MoveNext () [0x00450] in C:\projects\geolocatorplugin\src\Geolocator.Plugin.Android\FusedGeolocatorImplementation.cs:221
--- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown ---
at System.Runtime.ExceptionServices.ExceptionDispatchInfo.Throw () [0x0000c] in <896ad1d315ca4ba7b117efb8dacaedcf>:0
at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.ThrowForNonSuccess (System.Threading.Tasks.Task task) [0x0001a] in <896ad1d315ca4ba7b117efb8dacaedcf>:0
at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.HandleNonSuccessAndDebuggerNotification (System.Threading.Tasks.Task task) [0x00028] in <896ad1d315ca4ba7b117efb8dacaedcf>:0
at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.ValidateEnd (System.Threading.Tasks.Task task) [0x00008] in <896ad1d315ca4ba7b117efb8dacaedcf>:0
at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter`1[TResult].GetResult () [0x00000] in <896ad1d315ca4ba7b117efb8dacaedcf>:0
at RealShopOnline.Views.SecondPageVolumes+d__5.MoveNext () [0x00077] in E:\MyLovelyApps\RealMobileApp\RealShopOnline\RealShopOnline\RealShopOnline\Views\SecondPageVolumes.cs:166 }

any help?

Arrrrghh another update problem


I installed the latest update, now I get the error XamarinShellPackage did not install correctly and my project will no longer load (says it is incompatible). This is with VS2015 Pro also updated to the latest. Any ideas? I tried downgrading to Cycle 8 again and now it won't compile I just get a appt.exe exited with code 1

Create a Button in the Picker's Header



In the Header, the Done button is shown on the right side..

How can I create another custom Button on the Left side, let's say I want to create a btnAddNew with Title: New


How to Image Processing within a Box or Frame?



I have an app which requires items photos.

The item photo must 300wx200h

I am just starting with Xamarin images and needs guide please..

How can I allow user to take a photo from camera {OR SELECT FROM DEVICE ALBUM} and then position the photo inside the box/frame by reposition or by cropping?


How can I get IntelliSense information for the .NET types?


I'm using Visual Studio 2013 with Xamarin.Android to build some mobile app. Unfortunately, IntelliSense is not showing any information for all types from the underlying .NET framework. It shows "To be added." for all of them. This is very obstructive as I have to keep two instances of VS open, just to get the IntelliSense information from a normal C# project.

Example (Android project):

Example (C# WPF project):

Maybe the VS localization could be the issue for this?
How can I fix this problem?

Firebase PushNotifications are not getting after closing the App



I'm using the Pushsharp in the server side to send the firebase notifications to my android App.
If the app is in foreground or if I minimized the app the push notifications are working fine,but if I close the app in background (by swipping) I'm not able to get the notifications.If I send it from the firebase console it is coming even if the app is not in the background.

Note:I already set the notification as high priority in the server side and aswell as I set to high priority in the Notification builder.

how to re-symbolicate a crash log?


Xcode's re-symbolicate function isn't working on my xamarin app.
anyone have any ideas of why or how to get it symbolicated?

Xamarin.iOS UITest Visual studio


Hi coders,

I am using following setup

1) iOS, Android App development on visual studio on Mac with windows running in virtual machine.

2) I have these projects (Shared) in my solution
a) Xamarin.Android
b) Xamarin.Android.UItest
c) Xamarin.Android.UnitTest

d) Xamarin.iOS
e) Xamarin.iOS.UITest

For Android everything works fine but in iOS it says

Result Message: SetUp : System.Exception : iOS tests are not supported on Windows. Result StackTrace: at Xamarin.UITest.iOS.iOSApp..ctor(IiOSAppConfiguration appConfiguration) at Xamarin.UITest.Configuration.iOSAppConfigurator.StartApp(AppDataMode appDataMode)

So this link says ( https://developer.xamarin.com/guides/testcloud/uitest/working-with/testing-on-devices/ios/ )

" It is not possible to run UITests on iOS devices in Windows. You can only run UITests for iOS devices on Mac OS X."

Okay I want to run test on iOS offcourse so how will I run tests on mac while writing tests in visual studio because there is a project availbale in visual studio ios, I am bit confuse can someone clarify my doubts ? If its not possible what this kind of project is doing here please see screenshot

So how can I create UITest for iOS in Xamarin Visual Studio ?

Well on more informaiton I am confused my created says following

" TODO: If the iOS app being tested is included in the solution then open
// the Unit Tests window, right click Test Apps, select Add App Project
// and select the app projects that should be tested."

Where is that windows?

Finally if anyone can give a quick solution to start iOS test or Can tell me from where should I start, I followed documentation and implemented the same UITest for android. Due to some reason I want to create a separate UITest for iOS thats why I did not provide reference in Android UITest. Well Also there is something strange, reference is grayed out here.

Transfer of ownership


I need to transfer ownership but I can't seem to do it. I get an error about a lack of Xamarin platform license, but the person I'm transferring it to has a valid MSDN license. Any ideas?

Fix Android Resource.Designer.cs


I've added some images to my project, and I can't build it anymore.

I get these error messages:

  • CS1001: Identifier expected
  • CS0145: Constant field requires value
  • CS1013: Invalid number

All these errors reference this line (which is the first in partial class drawable):

// aapt resource value: 0x7f020000
public const int 0x = 2130837504;

What can be the source of this and how can I fix it? Thanks!

network access, cellular data access permission tests


Is it possible to test if the device Cellular, Cell data access is enabled for my application?

i've been looking at old 'reachability' code and it isn't really clear to me if that distinguishes
between "no cell data coverage" and "no cell data permission".

The former is generally temporary and some kind of retry algorithm will probably be enough
but the latter is permanent until the user changes the device settings and some sort of
message to the user is necessary.

xcode builds fail when open VS storyboard


this is probably a real dumb question but when I open a storyboard from Visual Studio on my Mac why cannot I build and see the UI in simulator from XCode. I get a Apple Mach-O Linker error.

Switch inside listview get listview item on toggle


I currently have a listview which displays a list of "ConfigurationItem" objects. Each row displays a "ConfigurationItem"'s Name and Status properties in a label and has a Switch hooked up to It's Checked property value.

When I toggle a switch for a listview item I want to get the "ConfigurationItem" for that corresponds with that switch and the value of the switch so I can change the Checked property value for the "ConfigurationItem". Currenlty I've added an eventhandler for the Toggled event which receives the switch as sender but I can't figure out how I can get the "ConfigurationItem" object that corresponds with the toggled switch. Can someone please explain how I can achieve this?

<ListView x:Name="ConfigurationItemListView" BackgroundColor="Transparent"> <ListView.ItemTemplate> <DataTemplate> <ViewCell> <StackLayout Orientation="Horizontal"> <StackLayout Orientation="Vertical"> <Label Text="{Binding Name}" TextColor="#fff" HorizontalOptions="FillAndExpand" FontAttributes="Bold"/> <Label Text="{Binding Status}" HorizontalOptions="FillAndExpand" TextColor="#fff" FontSize="Micro"/> </StackLayout> <Switch IsToggled="{Binding Checked}" HorizontalOptions="EndAndExpand" Toggled="OnItemToggled"/> </StackLayout> </ViewCell> </DataTemplate> </ListView.ItemTemplate> </ListView>

private Room currentRoom { get; set; } public ConfigurationItemPage() { InitializeComponent(); }

//Room selected public ConfigurationItemPage(Room room) { InitializeComponent(); currentRoom = room; this.Title = currentRoom.Name; GetConfigurationItems(); MessagingCenter.Subscribe<ConfigurationItemDetailsPage>(this, "GetConfigurationItems", (sender) => GetConfigurationItems()); ConfigurationItemListView.ItemSelected += OnItemSelected; }

async void OnItemSelected(object sender, SelectedItemChangedEventArgs e) { if (ConfigurationItemListView.SelectedItem != null) { await Navigation.PushModalAsync(new ConfigurationItemDetailsPage((ConfigurationItem)e.SelectedItem)); } ((ListView)sender).SelectedItem = null; }

public void OnItemToggled(object sender, ToggledEventArgs e) { //Get ConfigurationItem (listview item) //save switch value Switch toggledSwitch = (Switch)sender; }

public async void GetConfigurationItems() { LoadingActivityIndicator.IsRunning = true; LoadingActivityIndicator.IsVisible = true; ConfigurationItemService configurationItemService = new ConfigurationItemService(); IEnumerable<ConfigurationItem> configurationItems = await configurationItemService.GetByRoomId(currentRoom.Id); ConfigurationItemListView.ItemsSource = configurationItems; LoadingActivityIndicator.IsRunning = false; LoadingActivityIndicator.IsVisible = false; }

how to downgrade visual studio 2017 version 15.2 to 15.0?

Android app deploys/works fine when built in VS but not when built from msbuild


This has me pulling my hair out..

We have a project that works fine in debug or adhoc(release) when built and deployed using Visual Studio. But when we build it from the command line (msbuild as part of cake script) it just repeats the following log output:

D/ResourcesManager(24055): For user 0 new overlays fetched Null
I/MultiDex(24055): VM with version 2.1.0 has multidex support
I/MultiDex(24055): install
I/MultiDex(24055): VM has multidex support, MultiDex support library is disabled.
W/monodroid(24055): Creating public update directory: `/data/user/0/<AppName>/files/.__override__`
W/monodroid(24055): Using override path: /data/user/0/<AppName>/files/.__override__
W/monodroid(24055): Trying to load sgen from: /data/user/0/<AppName>/files/.__override__/libmonosgen-2.0.so
W/monodroid(24055): Trying to load sgen from: /storage/emulated/0/Android/data/<AppName>/files/.__override__/libmonosgen-2.0.so
W/monodroid(24055): Trying to load sgen from: /storage/emulated/0/../legacy/Android/data/<AppName>/files/.__override__/libmonosgen-2.0.so
W/monodroid(24055): Trying to load sgen from: /data/app/<AppName>-1/lib/arm/libmonosgen-2.0.so
W/monodroid(24055): Trying to load sgen from: /data/user/0/<AppName>/files/.__override__/links/libmonosgen-2.0.so
A/monodroid(24055): No assemblies found in '/data/user/0/<AppName>/files/.__override__' or '/storage/emulated/0/Android/data/<AppName>/files/.__override__'. Assuming this is part of Fast Deployment. Exiting...

On one device it just loops with the splash screen visible spitting this out forever, on another device it does 3 iterations (with splash flashing visible) and then stops trying and the app crashes.

I've checked that fast deployment/android shared runtime are disabled. I've tried multiple different settings in the csproj file.

relevant parts of project file (I think):

    <AndroidStoreUncompressedFileExtensions />
    <MandroidI18n />
    <JavaOptions />
<PropertyGroup Condition=" '$(Configuration)|$(Platform)' == 'Release|AnyCPU' ">

And here is how I call it from my cake script

MSBuild(androidProject, settings => settings
    .WithProperty("Platform", "AnyCPU")
    .WithProperty("AndroidKeyStore", "true")
    .WithProperty("AndroidSigningStorePass", aksPassword)
    .WithProperty("AndroidSigningKeyStore", androidKeyStoreFile)
    .WithProperty("AndroidSigningKeyAlias", androidKeystoreAlias)
    .WithProperty("AndroidSigningKeyPass", aksPassword)
    //.WithProperty("DebugSymbols", "true")
    .WithProperty("OutputPath", System.IO.Path.Combine(buildDir, "android"))

I've been searching the web and changing settings/rebuilding all day with no progress.

(This is a Xamarin.Forms app, but I'm posting in Android because I don't think the issue is specific to that)

Embedded Resource Image Not Displaying in app


I just started learning xamarin and I can't get a local image to display. I'm following a tutorial and looking at the documentation, but I"m still having issues. I don't see what I'm doing different from the documentation. I named the image an embedded resource in properties and I set the page as the default page in app.xaml.cs. All I get is a blank app with no image or anything.

    `   MainPage = new Images.LocalImage();`

I've been stuck on this for a few days now so any help is greatly appreciated.

Screenshot showing image path and property settings


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<ContentPage xmlns="http://xamarin.com/schemas/2014/forms"

    <Image x:Name="myLocalImage" Aspect="AspectFit"/>



using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;

using Xamarin.Forms;
using Xamarin.Forms.Xaml;

namespace Images
    public partial class LocalImage : ContentPage
        public LocalImage ()
            InitializeComponent ();

            myLocalImage.Source = ImageSource.FromResource("Images.background.jpg");


Any help solving this exception, guys?


Loaded assembly: /Users/devteam/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/7BFFD9A1-076F-4760-97A0-9E9220C8306D/data/Containers/Bundle/Application/3C919A70-192F-48EC-8AFB-C33F97D92D1B/App1.iOS.app/.monotouch-64/Plugin.Media.dll [External]
2017-12-10 08:28:14.198 App1.iOS[29388:50044883] Could not register the assembly 'Xamarin.Forms.Platform.iOS': ObjCRuntime.RuntimeException: The registrar cannot marshal the parameter type 'Foundation.NSDictionary' of the parameter 'launchOptions' in the method 'Xamarin.Forms.Platform.iOS.FormsApplicationDelegate.FinishedLaunching(UIKit.UIApplication,Foundation.NSDictionary)'
at Registrar.Registrar.ComputeSignature (System.Type DeclaringType, System.Reflection.MethodBase Method, Registrar.Registrar+ObjCMember member, System.Boolean isCategoryInstance, System.Boolean isBlockSignature) [0x0016b] in /Users/builder/data/lanes/5481/2f8bbec0/source/xamarin-macios/src/ObjCRuntime/Registrar.cs:2090
at Registrar.Registrar+ObjCMethod.ComputeSignature () [0x00000] in /Users/builder/data/lanes/5481/2f8bbec0/source/xamarin-macios/src/ObjCRuntime/Registrar.cs:706
at Registrar.Registrar+ObjCMethod.get_Signature () [0x0000b] in /Users/builder/data/lanes/5481/2f8bbec0/source/xamarin-macios/src/ObjCRuntime/Registrar.cs
at Registrar.Registrar+ObjCMethod.get_Trampoline () [0x0017c] in /Users/builder/data/lanes/5481/2f8bbec0/source/xamarin-macios/src/ObjCRuntime/Registrar.cs:651
at Registrar.DynamicRegistrar.RegisterMethod (Registrar.Registrar+ObjCMethod method) [0x00037] in /Users/builder/data/lanes/5481/2f8bbec0/source/xamarin-macios/src/ObjCRuntime/DynamicRegistrar.cs:930
at Registrar.DynamicRegistrar.OnRegisterType (Registrar.Registrar+ObjCType type) [0x00273] in /Users/builder/data/lanes/5481/2f8bbec0/source/xamarin-macios/src/ObjCRuntime/DynamicRegistrar.cs:790
at Registrar.Registrar.RegisterTypeUnsafe (System.Type type, System.Collections.Generic.List1[System.Exception]& exceptions) [0x01101] in /Users/builder/data/lanes/5481/2f8bbec0/source/xamarin-macios/src/ObjCRuntime/Registrar.cs:1984 at Registrar.Registrar.RegisterAssembly (System.Reflection.Assembly assembly) [0x00097] in /Users/builder/data/lanes/5481/2f8bbec0/source/xamarin-macios/src/ObjCRuntime/Registrar.cs:2027 2017-12-10 08:28:14.202 App1.iOS[29388:50044883] System.AggregateException: One or more errors occurred. ---> ObjCRuntime.RuntimeException: The registrar cannot marshal the parameter type 'Foundation.NSDictionary' of the parameter 'launchOptions' in the method 'Xamarin.Forms.Platform.iOS.FormsApplicationDelegate.FinishedLaunching(UIKit.UIApplication,Foundation.NSDictionary)' at Registrar.Registrar.ComputeSignature (System.Type DeclaringType, System.Reflection.MethodBase Method, Registrar.Registrar+ObjCMember member, System.Boolean isCategoryInstance, System.Boolean isBlockSignature) [0x0016b] in /Users/builder/data/lanes/5481/2f8bbec0/source/xamarin-macios/src/ObjCRuntime/Registrar.cs:2090 at Registrar.Registrar+ObjCMethod.ComputeSignature () [0x00000] in /Users/builder/data/lanes/5481/2f8bbec0/source/xamarin-macios/src/ObjCRuntime/Registrar.cs:706 at Registrar.Registrar+ObjCMethod.ValidateSignature (System.Collections.Generic.List1[System.Exception]& exceptions) [0x0001d] in /Users/builder/data/lane
--- End of inner exception stack trace ---
**---> (Inner Exception #0) ObjCRuntime.RuntimeException: The registrar cannot marshal the parameter type 'Foundation.NSDictionary' of the parameter 'launchOptions' in the method 'Xamarin.Forms.Platform.iOS.FormsApplicationDelegate.FinishedLaunching(UIKit.UIApplication,Foundation.NSDictionary)'
at Registrar.Registrar.ComputeSignature (System.Type DeclaringType, System.Reflection.MethodBase Method, Registrar.Registrar+ObjCMember member, System.Boolean isCategoryInstance, System.Boolean isBlockSignature) [0x0016b] in /Users/builder/data/lanes/5481/2f8bbec0/source/xamarin-macios/src/ObjCRuntime/Registrar.cs:2090
at Registrar.Registrar+ObjCMethod.ComputeSignature () [0x00000] in /Users/builder/data/lanes/5481/2f8bbec0/source/xamarin-macios/src/ObjCRuntime/Registrar.cs:706
at Registrar.Registrar+ObjCMethod.ValidateSignature (System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.Exception]& exceptions) [0x
0001d] in /Users/builder/data/lanes/5481/2f8bbec0/source/xamarin-macios/src/ObjCRuntime/Registrar.cs:694 <---

---> (Inner Exception #1) ObjCRuntime.RuntimeException: The registrar cannot marshal the parameter type 'Foundation.NSDictionary' of the parameter 'launchOptions' in the method 'Xamarin.Forms.Platform.iOS.FormsApplicationDelegate.WillFinishLaunching(UIKit.UIApplication,Foundation.NSDictionary)'
at Registrar.Registrar.ComputeSignature (System.Type DeclaringType, System.Reflection.MethodBase Method, Registrar.Registrar+ObjCMember member, System.Boolean isCategoryInstance, System.Boolean isBlockSignature) [0x0016b] in /Users/builder/data/lanes/5481/2f8bbec0/source/xamarin-macios/src/ObjCRuntime/Registrar.cs:2090
at Registrar.Registrar+ObjCMethod.ComputeSignature () [0x00000] in /Users/builder/data/lanes/5481/2f8bbec0/source/xamarin-macios/src/ObjCRuntime/Registrar.cs:706
at Registrar.Registrar+ObjCMethod.ValidateSignature (System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.Exception]& exceptions) [0x0001d
] in /Users/builder/data/lanes/5481/2f8bbec0/source/xamarin-macios/src/ObjCRuntime/Registrar.cs:694 <---
An unhandled exception occured.**

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