I'm trying to add Google Pay to my application as described in this tutorial: https://blog.xamarin.com/bring-android-pay-to-your-apps-with-stripe/ and in stripe.com docs - https://stripe.com/docs/mobile/android/google-pay
But when I click to "pay" button, the following message appears: "This payment option is no longer available in this app."
What option is no longer available - wallet?
var options = WalletFragmentOptions.NewBuilder()
.SetFragmentStyle(new WalletFragmentStyle()
var fragment = SupportWalletFragment.NewInstance(options);
var request = MaskedWalletRequest.NewBuilder()
.AddParameter("gateway", "stripe")
.AddParameter("stripe:publishableKey", "<my_code_here>")
.AddParameter("stripe:version", "2018-11-08")