How can I make a local storage storage file for mobile app
I'm building a Xamarin CrossPlatform app all of its database is in cloud api's, but I want a local storage file in mobile which stores all login credentials whenever someone is login. Kindly help me...
View ArticleValidation for number and decimal point
Hi, I want to validate only numbers and decimal point in Xamarin forms. In entry field i kept Keyboard="Numeric" and in Validation class public class ValidationBehavior : Behavior { //const string...
View ArticleOnDnsSdTxtRecordAvailable is not fired some times
I am developing the the application for transferring data in offline.I used the IDnsSdTxtRecordListener for sensing the near by device.And implement the function OnDnsSdTxtRecordAvailable,this function...
View ArticleFunctions can't be access in Android using Embeddinator-4000
I had followed the tutorial of getting started in android and use the Embeddinator-4000 to code in C# and build in Android Studio. I met some problems when calling the functions from C# class. These...
View ArticleSearchbar combined with dropdown-list of suggestions to autocomplete the...
Hello, I'd like to do something like shown in the attached picture. Do you guys have any suggestions on how I should go about doing it, do I need to write my own control? The drop down and the search...
View ArticleHow to use Couchbase Lite in Xamarin.Forms PCL project?
I go through couchbase documentation. But i am not getting how to use couchbase in Xamarin.Forms PCL...
View ArticleSelection of multiple images from Gallery.(Xamarin forms)
Unable to select multiple images from android gallery. I was able to perform multi select images from iOS using Dependency service, but in android i achieved multiple selection using native code to an...
View Articleget Power fail/restart exceptions during Android native debugging
Hi! I got many "power fail/restart" exceptions on uncertain locations during native debugging. I guess what caused it is that I access sensors data by sensor manager. I can't show my code and I remove...
View ArticleFlip an image or make a mirror image of the bitmap.
Hi, after capturing the image and setting it on the imageview, the picture being produced is the mirror image of the actual picture. How can I flip it to the actual picture or mirror image the current...
View ArticleCookie read from Webview
I'm trying to develop a webview app and want to read cookies from the link after login in website. how i can read those cookie in xamarin forms platform. I searching on the web to find any tutorial to...
View ArticleGoogle pay - This payment option is no longer available in this app
I'm trying to add Google Pay to my application as described in this tutorial: and in docs -...
View ArticleIssue reported while submitting windows app to windows store
I have developed a Xamarin Forms(.Net standard) UWP app and submitted it to windows store, but the windows store team reject the app because of the following issue. The app doesn’t install on one or...
View ArticleAndroid Pie Not Getting Current Location in App Background Sleep Mode
Hi Friends, I want to get current location, when app went into sleep mode or Background.Currently i am using > Plugin.Geolocator.CrossGeolocator.Current DLL in App OnSleep() , But Its Working Till...
View ArticleTabbedPage icons not shown when set position to bottom
Hello All, I am a beginner in Xamarin and trying to use TabbedPage for my application. When I used TabbedPage and set the icons, it works fine. Then I set the TabbedPage position to bottom. However,...
View Articleget Power fail/restart exceptions during Android native debugging
Hi! I got many "power fail/restart" exceptions on uncertain locations during native debugging. I guess what caused it is that I access sensors data by sensor manager. I can't show my code and I remove...
View ArticleHW kbd: Failed to set (null) as keyboard focus - App immediately terminates...
I have an app that works fine for the most part. But once it starts having this problem it does not start. I have tried force quitting the app, restarting the ipad. I have to remove and reinstall the...
View Articlehow to pass json object as an value for one of the key in post request?
I have three keys personname,billingdate and nozzolereadings...I am able to work with name and date as it is simple string but nozzolereadings is asking for json object as a value.. My required json...
View ArticleParsing JSONString
Hi I have trouble parsing my JSONstring retrived from my url. below is my JSONString php_resp =...
View ArticleHow to Parse JSON Object Array of Data into Views?
Hi, Well i am knew to Xamarin and confuse of how to parse the JSON object content/array of content into views/component. The purpose of this is that i have a online VPS in the cloud, with MySQL...
View ArticleHow to check device is in idle state for some particular time.
Hello, I want to check that in my application is device is in ideal state? means no activity perform in application.So how we can detect?
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