How can I pass a ViewCell into custom control?
I'm making a custom control and how can I pass other View into it? In my case I want to pass in a custom ViewCell to my custom ListView so I could re-use this custom control with different item sources...
View ArticleiPhone simulators missing from debug device list
I am running Visual Studio 15.9.5 on Windows 10, I have a MacBook Pro with Visual Studio for Mac and all the latest updates, with Xcode 10.1. In Xcode Preferences/Components, you can see I have...
View ArticleCustom fonts don't load in iOS
Custom fonts don't load in Xamarin iOS. As described in the Xamarin documentation from 2013 (, I have done the following (project is attached): 1) Import...
View ArticleVery strange error
Hi all togehter, as asked in this thread: I have a very strange error. As before, running as UWP works perfectly, the problem is only...
View ArticleIs it possible to use BOTH a Notification Service Extension and Notification...
For my application I am using a Notification Service Extension to modify the way the notification is displayed to the user. I also want to display a photo in its content, for this I understand I would...
View ArticleHow will i Dismiss Picker when i tap wherever
Hi, i Want to dismiss the picker when i tap on background or wherever Now my Hamburger and Picker is overlaping
View ArticleCannot open pdf document in Pdf viewer
Hi i am currently trying to open a web pdf in xamarin forms page using following code Device.OpenUri(new Uri(strWebUrl)); When i click , some pdf's are showing option as "Open with Drive PDF Viewer" ....
View ArticleScrollViewer vs. Enclosed, how to control who gets the MotionEvents?
I have a somewhat complicated design that has just slammed face first into reality. I have an ImageView which shows a photo or other bitmap. I have a SketchCanvas which overlaps it, and the user can...
View ArticleUWP Project throws error after random amount of time
Hi folks Since the very beginning of Xamarin.Forms every now and then I had this weird issue where the UWP Project, after weeks or months without changes but relatively frequent builds and rebuilds,...
View ArticleIs there a Label for Hyperlinks?
Hey there. Is there a Label that can recognize Hyperlinks like Phone numbers, E-Mails and URLs ? I found this one but it does not work for me. I copy pasted that whole thing. AwesomeHyperLinkLabel.cs...
View ArticleTitleBar on AXML
Hi, I just new on using XAMARIN on Visual Studio. I would like to ask on how to remove the titlebar on the activity_main.axml Thanks.
View ArticleNative linking failed, undefined Objective-C class
Hello Xamarin Folks, I am stuck with a very unpredictive error form last couple of months. It all started when I updated my Visual Studio for Mac and other components of Xamarin Platform. I glad one of...
View ArticleBackground and Foreground app and Push Notifications.
Hello developers, I'm using the plugin and The plugin work good, I receive the...
View ArticlePicker Custom Renderer not working properly!
I have implemented an custom android renderer for a Picker , just a basic one i found online. But the issue i have found, is when i click the picker to show the dialog options, on the first click it...
View ArticleHow to convert c# object to native NSObject
Hi , i am having the object data in which current datasource item is stored in forms. I need to map the item to native item. NSObject obj = (NSObject) data; It shows the error as cannot convert object...
View ArticleProblem with Absolute Layout and Overlay Areas
Hi there! I have a View with list view and, using absolute layout, I created an editor for that list view. The editor, when visible, overlays itens 2 to 6. I can tap or press itens 1 and 7 to call the...
View ArticleBasic Deployment and Build Questions
I create a new project (Xamarin, Blank project). I compile it. My Android phone is plugged into the computer. I start the ADB server. Then I select Deploy and I get a deployment to the Emulator. I...
View ArticleChangeCanExecute is not working, why?
Hello there! I have some commands on my ViewModels, and I realized that I can them multiple times at the same time, and is getting me some troubles with updating data from a WebApi. The basic structure...
View ArticleReproduce carousel view behaviour/animation/transition to a horizontal scroll...
Hey developers, I have so far tried to use a carousel view due to its ease of use and of course its performance. But I tried to show the tail of each UI elements (let's say we've a bunch of cards)...
View ArticleMissing required Icons
Hi, we have a problem uploading our app to the iOS app store for some days now. Actually it is a Forms App but hope it's still correct in this forum. The app was working before but since we updated to...
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