I'm trying to add an observer to an HttpCookieStore connected to a WebsiteDataStore for a WKWebView. I can't figure out how to build an observer that i can pass to AddObserver on HttpCookieStore. I'm really just trying to have a class that will have the CookiesDidChangeInCookieStore called when cookies change so I can save them, but it looks like it is implemented as an extension method in the docs.
I tried to do this:
public class CookieObserver : IWKHttpCookieStoreObserver
public static class CookieObserverExtensions
public static async void CookiesDidChangeInCookieStore(this IWKHttpCookieStoreObserver This, WKHttpCookieStore cookieStore)
var cookies = await cookieStore.GetAllCookiesAsync();
Debug.WriteLine("Found " + cookies.Length + " cookies");
foreach (var cookie in cookies)
Debug.WriteLine(cookie.Domain + " - " + cookie.Name + ":" + cookie.Value);
But I get a the error "CookieObserver" does not implement interface member INativeObject.Handle.
What is the proper way to create and assign an observer for HttpCookieStore?