How to give Permission for Camera used in iOS App with Xamarin forms.
Hi , I need to used Camera and Photos in my App . I am using Xamarin forms. Camera and Photos Library Access working fine in Android App . But not in iOS App. is There anyone know , how can i used...
View ArticleMasterDetailView disappears after pressing back button - Prism.Forms
I'm currently developing on UWP and I got a weird navigation behavior. I navigate successfully to that page: MasterDetailView/NavigationPage/Dictionary/Entry, but when I press back I go back to...
View ArticleButtons correctly displayed in Release mode but not on real phone
Hello everyone, I'm developping an app for Android and iOS with Xamarin, in this app the users can choose a diameter (called "diametre"), to this diameter is associated one or many screw threads...
View ArticleHow to create an imagebutton style with transparent backgroundcolor and...
I'd like to use imagebuttons with click animation. So I would have to create a style for my imagebuttons in order to simplify the xaml code, i.e. make the background transparent and add visual states...
View ArticleAfter updating VS 15.6.7 to VS 15.9.5 Android projects (even the first...
Hello, 4 days ago i updated vs in the hope to solve a google play publishing issue, but even after repeated reinstalls, on 15.6.7 i can build no issues, on 15.9.5 i cannot build even the simpliest of...
View ArticleAndroid 8.1/9 crash reports in AwaitTaskContinuation.RunOrScheduleAction on...
Hello, I am unable to track this crash, it seems to happen on very specific devices but it's outside my code and I believe it's xamarin related. The exception reported is...
View ArticleAfter upgrading to Forms 2.5-stable: Version conflict detected for...
Hey! After upgrading to Xamarin Forms 2.5-stable, I now get the following error in my project. Error NU1607 Version conflict detected for Xamarin.Android.Support.v4. Reference the package directly from...
View ArticleApp not starting on iOS 9.3 simulator
Hi, I am facing an issue with iOS 9.3 simulator and not been able to run even a hello world app on it. When I run from VS Mac, the app installs but failed to launch. It works fine on iOS 10x but not...
View ArticleFCM messages going to all devices even when a single device's Token is entered
When sending test messages from the FCM Console, even if I enter a single device's token using 'Test Device', the message is going to all my devices with the app installed. Is this a known bug? I know...
View ArticleUsing a dictionary with 10,000 values gives an error
Hi, I am building an android app to build a puzzle from some pre-loaded puzzles in a dictionary variable (of int, string). It has over 12,000 puzzles. When the user clicks new game, a random integer is...
View ArticleHow do I add an IWKHttpCookieStoreObserver to a HttpCookieStore?
I'm trying to add an observer to an HttpCookieStore connected to a WebsiteDataStore for a WKWebView. I can't figure out how to build an observer that i can pass to AddObserver on HttpCookieStore. I'm...
View ArticleListView scrollto method makes the list disappear and reappear
Hello, I am having an issue with ListView's scrollto method (to scroll to the bottom of the list). Essentially I have a 'chat room', so the user enters a message and it gets added to the observable...
View ArticleApp Freezing In Instruments
I've been trying to profile for memory leaks a few days now, and I finally got the symbols loaded correctly so that I can see meaningful line numbers. However, my app now locks up frequently in the...
View ArticleListViewAdapter.IsEnabled android.runtime.JavaProxyThrowable:...
Hello, I have this Crash: Xamarin caused by: android.runtime.JavaProxyThrowable: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object...
View ArticleReproduce carousel view behaviour/animation/transition to a horizontal scroll...
Hey developers, I have so far tried to use a carousel view due to its ease of use and of course its performance. But I tried to show the tail of each UI elements (let's say we've a bunch of cards)...
View Article"Invalid Swift Support - The SwiftSupport folder is missing" when publishing...
Hello, I'm having this error when trying to publish an iOS application: "Invalid Swift Support - The SwiftSupport folder is missing. Rebuild your app using the current public (GM) version of Xcode and...
View ArticleFCM on iOS - Messaging.SharedInstance.FcmToken empty when app first...
We're using Xamarin.Firebase.iOS.CloudMessaging to get Push Notifications. It's working fine except for one quirk. When the app is first installed, RegisteredForRemoteNotifications is called, but...
View ArticleSystem.ExecutionEngineException "Attempting to JIT compile method" on...
The iOS application errors when run on a physical iOS device, iPod Touch, in debug mode. The project runs fine in the simulator in both debug/release modes and also when the application is deployed to...
View ArticleCan't get Android emulator to run anymore
I have Visual Studio 2017. I used to be able to run the Android_Accelerated_x86_Oreo (Android 8.1 - API 27) just fine, but for some reason now I'm getting: Emulator Android_Accelerated_x86_Oreo is...
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