How can I fix a view to the bottom of the parent regardless of the soft...
I have a view like so: I am trying to get the Entry to appear right above the keyboard, while still keeping the list view and it's items above visible and scrollable. I'm close to this by setting...
View ArticleHow to get the grid.row and grid.column value while clicking the button
<Grid.RowDefinitions> </Grid.RowDefinitions> <Grid.ColumnDefinitions> </Grid.ColumnDefinitions> <Button Grid.Row="0" Grid.Column="0" BackgroundColor="White"...
View ArticleHi, I am facing Deployment to emulator error in Xamarin Forms
I am trying to build a Xamarin forms Application, It's a blank code, the code builds perfectly without error but it does not get deployed on an emulator. If I click "Start without Debugging" then the...
View ArticleConfigure the Button's text color (click effect) when a user clicked on it
Hi guys, I am using two buttons into one of my pages' TitleView and I would like to configure their text color when a user is clicking on them. I am talking about the effect proving that the event...
View ArticleTimer multiple call
Hi I'm facing a problem with timer. I tried to make a countdown (from 60s to zero) and everything works fine when I first call the method, but when I call it second time, it goes twice as fast and so...
View ArticleAndroid VideoPlayer not setting invisible
Hello, I have been bashing my head with android and its video players for quite a while. After few days on this specific problem I gave up and registered here. My problem is that I need videoplayer in...
View ArticleSystem.Xml.Dll assembly only loading on breakpoint
Hello, I have been migrating all my project from an old version of xamarin with an old version of mono to the latest of both. Amongst all the other issues I have encountered and found a solution, here...
View ArticleHow to getdevice token ID from RegisteredForRemoteNotifications
Hey I need to get the device token id when my IOS application start. the bellow RegisteredForRemoteNotifications is running in the APPdelegate.cs and i am getting the NSData devicetoken. But how to...
View ArticleDownload manager for and xamarin.ios
Hi, Do we have any Good download manager for and xamarin.ios Which can handle different scenarios like a. Pause and resume functionality. b. Parallel Download of the multiple items. c....
View ArticleI knew this was going to happen.. I broke my application use work in Android...
I was dreading this... I worked all day today to get this application to run on apple meaning getting the dev account info and getting the application to run via a connected Macintosh computer get a...
View ArticleHow create renderer BackgroundImage and BackgroundColor a Layout?
Hi everyone, Good Work!! I want use on every page this View.(this page White part Image and Silver part BackgroundColor) But i cant find Renderer Codes. Any can share me a sample or code? or is there a...
View ArticleXamarin.iOS & Xamarin.Android Developer Experience
Hi All, I've been playing with Xamarin.Forms and as a newcomer to the framework / tooling I've not been having a great experience being honest. XAML previewer not really working and randomly crashing,...
View ArticleScanning Wifi from PCL project using Dependency Service
Hello! I need to scan the wifi programatically and return a list of all SSID's I get. I've read about it and concluded I can't make it on iOS in a way I can publish the App on the Apple Store(ref). So,...
View ArticleXamarin forms android splash screen appear when navigation.pushasync and...
style.xml <? xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"? > < resources > < style name = "MainTheme" parent="MainTheme.Base" > < /style > < item name = "windowNoTitle"> true <...
View ArticleXamarin forms splash screen visible navigate to another page
splash screen visible when navigate to new page in xamarin.forms android. i want remove or hide the background image
View ArticleXamarin Designer replaces constraints to Superview with constraints to Safe Area
We are trying to create a custom header following the steps described here: Everything works fine and...
View ArticleXamarin forms how to remove splash image once loaded
splash screen image appear when navigate one page to another page. i want remove or hide after splash screen loaded.
View ArticleHow to get list of Wifi Networks
I am trying to get a list of Wifi Networks. I am trying to isolate the code into its own class (see below.) The Intent Filter WifiReceiver never seems to be called. Once it is working, since I don't...
View Articleerror getting properties from device
MOTO G5 PLUS Android 8.1.0 Windows 10 1803 Visual Studio Comminity 2017 V 15.9.4 [I:]: Got new device list from adb with 0 devices [D:]: TrackDeviceTask got: ZY224KW8ZP connecting [I:]: Got new device...
View ArticleNavigationPage in Xaml
Sorry for such a simple question. What is the structure for the NavigationPage in xaml? Among others, this is what I have tried. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <NavigationPage...
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