Hello, I have been bashing my head with android and its video players for quite a while. After few days on this specific problem I gave up and registered here.
My problem is that I need videoplayer in the top of the screen, and I want it to go fullscreen after button is pressed. Also, I want all this to happen on the same UI stack. Using FormsVideoLibrary I managed to achieve this, sort of.
Now I have this issue on emulator:
Going out of full screen videoplayer does not dissaper (after setting IsVisible= false), instead it freezes, displaying frame on stop, and apears on top of videoplayer that should play.
On Device:
The problem happening on emulator does not occur, instead the first video player is set on top of another, even when it IsVisible = false ( parent view is also IsVisible = false)
Some of the code that is executed after fullscreen button is pressed >
private void ChangeScape()
if (isitlandscape == false)
isitlandscape = true;
MessagingCenter.Send(this, "allowLandScapePortrait");
videoPlayer.Stop(); // pause() does same
CurrentPosition = videoPlayer.Position;
// setting everything invisible
MainVideoStack.IsVisible = false;
videoPlayer.IsEnabled = false;
videoPlayer.IsVisible = false;
videoPlayer.IsTabStop = false; // trying everything here
MainCanvasStack.IsVisible = false;
ThirdPageListViewXaml.IsVisible = false;
MainStackButtons.IsVisible = false;
secondstack.IsVisible = true; // full screen video with its ui elements
VideoPlayerTwoControl(); // runs video
else if(isitlandscape == true)
isitlandscape = false;
CurrentPosition = videoPlayertwo.Position;
//setting elements to false
secondstack.IsVisible = false;
videoPlayertwo.IsVisible = false;
videoPlayertwo.IsEnabled = false;
//turning on elements
MainVideoStack.IsVisible = true;
MainCanvasStack.IsVisible = true;
ThirdPageListViewXaml.IsVisible = true;
MainStackButtons.IsVisible = true;
MessagingCenter.Send(this, "preventLandScape");
// TODO should start playing video
Anyone can give me something? I feel like its some stupid mistake. On the bright side, atleast I can play 2 videos on top of each other, YaY!