How to Become a Xamarin MVP
Hi all... i am Delpin, i love xamarin and also i am working xamarin . i am very interesting to get xamarin mvp. and also i wrote many article from c-sharp corner community contribution site. any one...
View ArticleI want to implement OnClicked/Tap Gesture Gesture to make Phone Call
On view or on layout
View ArticleHuge table with lot of images
Hi guys, I have a page with table with 400+ items (4 columns, more than 100 rows). I've created it using Grid view, and there's a different image from local source in every cell. My problem is that it...
View ArticleObtaining Exception "Xamarin.Forms.Platform.Android.Platform+DefaultRenderer"'.
Hi , I have facing the below exception issue while using the rotator click one page and move on to next page this crash occur. This happens randomly don't know why it comes "Unhandled Exception:...
View ArticleForking Xamarin.Forms - Howto
I found a bug deep in Xamarin.Forms 3.4 and wanted to diagnose it, so I forked the code but couldn't get it to compile etc. The instructions on the Xamarin site for forking and creating a Nuget package...
View ArticleLottie in Xamarin forms android
Hi , I tried to work wih lottie , it works fine in ios but in android it does not show up . I tried to add AnimationViewRenderer.Init() to main acitivity but it dosent work ! always dosnet know lottie...
View ArticleUnhandled Exception: System.TypeLoadException: Could not resolve type with...
Anyone having or ever had an issue with installing Xamarin Forms 3.0+ (or another version) and then the app starts crashing on the .init(..) line in the android activity on start up. I am creating a...
View ArticleEmpty cell on ListView
I am trying to create a ListView that bind a list of colors to a BoxView, it binds correctly, on item select the BoxView changes color, but the LisTView shows an empty cell, what am i doing wrong?...
View ArticleConnect to MSSQL from Android via vpn
Hi, I have a question about connecting to a database that runs on a server computer. When I access this database, I need to connect to a VPN and then use the connection string to connect to this...
View ArticleHow to save the DirPath + The Filename of a picture selected from the Gallery...
Hello Guys, I am constructing a Hybrid app using Xamarin, my App is Totally HTML + Css and JS, works fine(i am suing WebView Template Project), the app is just an Input form, the user can type text,...
View ArticleBinding to a Command and Type Safety
Perhaps this is simply an uneducated question I am not sure. I use a number of Command Bindings similar to what is described here: I like...
View ArticleWebsocket cannot connect when using mobile data
I have a hundred or so clients connected to my server using .NetStandard websockets. Yet, I have one client on 4g data using an Android OnePlus 5t (T-Mobile data) that cannot connect. My server never...
View ArticleXamarin form : How to select multiple files form filepicker
i have developed to pick file form mobile, but need to pickup multpple file here is my code try { FileData fileData = await CrossFilePicker.Current.PickFile(); if (fileData == null) return; // user...
View ArticleFacing issue with UITableView SetContentOffset when removing or hiding few cells
Hello, I am implementing UITableView with multiple sections. Setting contentoffset programmatically when offset is out of the scope of contentsize, is making top cell or the last cell stuck at the...
View ArticleFirebase Messaging (FCM) OnMessageReceived Running Twice
Good day I am using Firebase Messaging to send/Receive Push Notification on Android. I've got the following implementation which is triggering OnMessageReceived twice on Android v 8.0, after rebooting...
View ArticleI want use resource in another resource in Resource dictionary
How to use resouce like this. <OnPlatform x:TypeArguments="x:String" x:Key="SourceSansPro_Black"> <On Platform="iOS" Value="SourceSansPro-Black" /> <On Platform="Android"...
View ArticleWebview EvaluateJavascripAsync
I have Javascript function which returns a collection of objects, how to get the collection on EvaluateJavascriptAsync call. It returns a string, and in my case it always returns null in C#. Any...
View ArticleXamarin Barcode ZXingBarcodeImageView .. how to set full width available ?
I'm using ZXingBarcodeImageView.... following is my code - the bar code is not using full width available. I'm not sure why ... any help is appreciated... <ContentPage.Content> <StackLayout...
View ArticleDisplaying H.264 Video
I have the following code, its not pretty but 'should' be functional.... Gets data from a UDP source, and then processes, eventually displays in least that's the idea, I...
View ArticleHow to merge multiple resource dictionarties
<ResourceDictionary.MergedWith> <resources:Colors /> <resources:Fonts /> </ResourceDictionary.MergedWith>
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