Custom Bindable picker selectedItem not firing
I have a custom BindablePicker which inherits from picker, having copied some code in a previous post. However I am finding that when an item is selected, my property is not being updated....
View ArticleHow to set selected tab in tabbed page - xamarin forms
Hi Everyone, I am new to xamarin, and i am working with tabbed page with Android and Ios. There is a requirement to add a tab between the tabbed pages, and upon clinking it need to do some...
View ArticleXamarin.Android remove compiler warnings
Hi, I'm getting a lot of warnings when compiling Xamarin.Android project, for example: Severity Code Description Project File Line Suppression State Warning Skipping...
View ArticleContinuously pushing location data to server periodically even when the app...
HI, I am working on an app to send the location details periodically to the server when the app is open in the foreground or in the background. Location sent date and time must be displayed(or updated)...
View ArticleHow to use Windows like filesystem action on Mac?
Hello, Here is my issue: I have an application using an old mono version (4.4.1) on an old ide (Xamarin 6.0.1) and some Windows internal calls such as FindNext or GetFileStats. These are InternalCall...
View ArticleXamarin form : How to select multiple files form filepicker
i have developed to pick file form mobile, but need to pickup multpple file here is my code try { FileData fileData = await CrossFilePicker.Current.PickFile(); if (fileData == null) return; // user...
View ArticleXamarin Forms Application.Current Properties Backup on user Google Drive account
I want to store my Application.Current.Properties to user's Google Drive Account as backup via Google Drive REST API v3. And Sync functionality from App to Drive and vice a versa. I have searched and...
View ArticleXamarin Forms ios - Continuous task to work for hours even app in the background
My requirement is to send the location of the device to the rest api continuously for every 30 seconds. I have used UIApplication.SharedApplication.BeginBackgroundTask to make it work even the app went...
View ArticleConnect to MSSQL from Android via vpn
Hi, I have a question about connecting to a database that runs on a server computer. When I access this database, I need to connect to a VPN and then use the connection string to connect to this...
View ArticleFirebaseInstanceIdService is deprecated and OnNewToken() not working
I want to implement OnNewToken() method from FirebaseMessagingService in my Xamarin Android project that uses Firebase Cloud Messaging since FirebaseInstanceIdService and OnTokenRefreshed() are...
View ArticleAndroid Pie Not Getting Current Location in App Background Sleep Mode
Hi Friends, I want to get current location, when app went into sleep mode or Background.Currently i am using > Plugin.Geolocator.CrossGeolocator.Current DLL in App OnSleep() , But Its Working Till...
View ArticleWhen NUnit 3 Will be Supported, What is the future of Xamarin.UITest Vs....
I have two questions in single quote. When NUnit 3 will be supported to Xamarin.UITests? What is the Future of Xamarin.UITest? As there is no improvement and interesting releases for Xamarin.UITest...
View ArticleGoogle Tag Manager & Google Analytics on Xamarin Forms using UWP
We have a website where Xamarin Forms is deployed on the Universal Windows Platform. Can we deploy Google Tag Manager & Google Analytics in this instance and if so how?
View ArticleError in NuGet package when running on actual...
I am using the newest version of - it works on my simulator, but as soon as I try deploying it to my device (XS max), it starts up and shortly after i crashes - with this...
View ArticleHow to change version of NuGet package ? (vs 4 mac)
I am used to using Visual Studio for Windows, but now when using Visual Studio for Mac I cannot seem to figure out how to change the installed version of a NuGet package ? Only way is to remove NuGet,...
View ArticleEvent of button is not getting fired in absolute layout
Hello All, I am facing an strange behavior in Xamarin.forms. When i m writting below xaml code it's working fine as expected but the same thing i m trying to achieve dynamically from code behind event...
View ArticleGetting different instances while resolving from container
I have a specific platform service which is being registered using a platform initializer public class AndroidInitializer : IPlatformInitializer { public void RegisterTypes(IContainerRegistry...
View ArticleWhy building an application in release mode marks warnings about “not found”...
My app seems to be built fine in Debug mode, yet in Release mode I get 21 warnings about "no debug symbols file was found". As I understood, debug mode uses some files that release mode doesn't need in...
View ArticlePicker SelectedItem not persistent
Hi devs ! In a TabbedPage, on the first tab, I have a Picker. When I select a value from the Picker, change tab and return to the first one, the Picker value is reset. How can I make it persistent ?...
View ArticleLabel text clipping bottom or top in xamarin forms uwp
While using the label the bottom or top of the text is cutting slightly. Even I have given enough height it's still there. You could see in the following screenshot the word is slightly cut in the...
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