Unable to navigate to next 8th page after 7 pages navigated in xamarin forms...
I am unable to navigate to 8th from 7th page in prism Please help....
View ArticleImplementing Print on a bluetooth printer in Xamarin Forms App
Any one can you please share with us how to working on bluetooth printer and how to print with help of bluetooth printer in xamarin forms xamarin forms? I wasted for days to find a way to work with...
View ArticleFacing issue with UITableView SetContentOffset when removing or hiding few cells
I am implementing UITableView with multiple sections. Setting contentoffset programmatically when offset is out of the scope of contentsize, is making top cell or the last cell stuck at the center of...
View ArticleErrors when referenace android project to ui test project Xamarin
Hello i have a intruder problem, i have created a xamarin form solution with monoandroid 8.1 and .net standard 2.0 and every thing going fine, once i have add UI test project and add android project as...
View ArticleI am stuck while publishing my ios app
i am stuck on publishing my app on App store. it has been 5 times & every time people there delay for reply (between 24 and 48 hours). More over, every time re-ask for something else I am confused...
View ArticleThe "LinkAssemblies" task failed unexpectedly.
Hello, I am hoping someone can help me here. I spent the whole morning to resolve this error and hitting the wall each time. The min. Target framework is Android 5 level 21 Target Android version is...
View ArticlePerformance issues and usability improvements
Hi, I need some suggestions, help to solve any problems. I have to create a view with a dynamic count of ContentPages. I created two ViewModels, one with a logic and a stop watch and a second one to...
View ArticleXamarin DropDown
I want to use a dropdown like that for both Android and IOS. How can I?
View ArticleHelp with Firebase for Xamarin Forms
Hi, I am trying to get the Firebase Analytics works for my Xamarin Forms. Here what I did: **In Droid Project: ————————————————— MainActivity.cs: ** using System; using Android.App; using...
View ArticleXamarin.IOS Always process during background. And UWP Screen transition when...
IOS I want to process during the background. I would like to do this until the user manually terminates the application. I do not want background fetch. I do not want to enable GPS. I do TCP/IP...
I am using PortableClassLibrary for my Xamarin.Forms Project. A WCF Service using BasicHttpBinding with TransportSecurity is hosted to IIS using HTTPS When i install fiddler to examine the requests...
View ArticlePerformance issue when trying to dynamically change parts of the content of a...
**I have a pretty simple xamarin app. ** It's split into two sub-views/sub-pages, which splits the page 3/7 in height. This is done by a grid which holds two rowdefinitions and a contentview...
View ArticleXamarin Barcode ZXingBarcodeImageView .. how to set full width available ?
I'm using ZXingBarcodeImageView.... following is my code - the bar code is not using full width available. I'm not sure why ... any help is appreciated... <ContentPage.Content> <StackLayout...
View ArticleXamarin Forms. Integrate Firestore with Add/Update examples?
So, im trying to implement this libraries inside my project: Firestore Android: https://www.nuget.org/packages/Xamarin.Firebase.Firestore/60.1142.0-beta2 Firestore IOS:...
View ArticleExample to integrate firestore in Xamarin.Forms Andriod/IOS?
So, im trying to implement this libraries inside my project: Firestore Android: https://www.nuget.org/packages/Xamarin.Firebase.Firestore/60.1142.0-beta2 Firestore IOS:...
View ArticleCreating Apps for SmartTVs with Xamarin?
Hi Folks, a customer asked me to create an app for SmartTVs and which TVs I recommend him to buy. Can you recommend me SmartTV that can run Apps created with Xamarin, e.g. running Android? How to...
View ArticleXamarin page back pressesd
I call new page from Main Page with this.PushAsync(new Page1()); and in Page 1 call Page2 with this.PushAsync(new Page1()); When clicking back key or from the back button at Page1.I want to go back to...
View ArticleApp does not start - ViewModel problem?
Hey there. I found some example Code for ViewModel which does not work for me. My problem is that when I start the app it is about to launch and then just closes itself. I get no errors from Visual...
View ArticleChanging a specific value in a list during runtime.
Hello everyone, I have a simple Xamarin.Android-App. On the Activity of this app, there is a list displayed. Please see following MyActivity.axml: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>...
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