I am looking to implement logging functionality to my Xamarin.Forms application.
I heard about MetroLog which seem to be interesting; however, I dont like the fact that a clean method like in example below gets cluttered with code that makes this method literally "polluted". In addition, it violates KISS, 10/100, SRP, .... principles:
public void DoSomething()
Logger.Log("DoSomething - start");
// do something here and possible do more logging
catch(Exception ex)
Logger.Log("DoSomething threw exception: {0}", ex.Message);
Logger.Log("DoSomething - end");
This pollutes the code and violates the principles I mentioned above. This method should really look like this
public void DoSomething()
// do something here
Then I read something about AOP (Aspect Oriented Programming) in which case, all the logging calls could be moved to a separate aspect class LoggerAspect and the method above could be used like:
public void DoSomething()
// do something here
Has anyone used any free Xamarin.Forms friendly AOP library? Something like PostSharp (which unfortunately is not free and not Xamarin.Forms friendly)?
Can you recommend one?