Unexplained lag on Xamarin Android when preparing to push a view when...
My Android Xamarin Forms App is exhibiting a 10 to 30 second lag when creating a ViewModel/View and pushing the View to the modal stack at runtime. The application is receiving a deep link...
View ArticleUploading an iOS App – invalid signature
We have tried uploading an iOS App multiple times. A few minutes after the upload we receive the following error message via e-mail: Invalid Signature - A sealed resource is missing or invalid. The...
View ArticleApp breaks after navigating to many pages.Can anyone help?
I have set largeheap true in manifest file and in android properties set heap to 1G Still application breaks
View ArticleThis app is incompatible with all of your devices
Hi, I have published my first app and it is working well on my mobile. But I can't find it from play store search as well as other people. When I open it directly from the link I can see the message:...
View ArticleXamarin Forms Free AOP Library
I am looking to implement logging functionality to my Xamarin.Forms application. I heard about MetroLog which seem to be interesting; however, I dont like the fact that a clean method like in example...
View ArticleWhat is the proper process to design in xamarin.iOS
Hi guys !! I am new to xamarin.ios . I was given a project where could see some storyboard designs . I have came across some msdn docs but confused how to do proper designing for xamarinios . Either to...
View ArticleUnderstanding BottomNavigationView, XML menu and drawables
I'm have been trying to understand how to customize the BottomNavigationView by looking at an number of forum threads. All of them uses an xml menu file located in the resources - menu folder. These...
View ArticleCannot distribute/signing any apps in VS2017: The process cannot access the...
Hi! I have faced a problem during distributing my app. With this, I tried distribute a default android app(without any modification), without any success. Steps to reproduce: 1) I click on the...
View ArticleAny ideas on logging and handling exceptions
First off, I've been looking at a lot of available options on handling exceptions and logging. I'm looking for an application that can send a log file to the developer by mail. I had a look into...
View ArticleI want use resource in another resource in Resource dictionary
How to use resouce like this. <OnPlatform x:TypeArguments="x:String" x:Key="SourceSansPro_Black"> <On Platform="iOS" Value="SourceSansPro-Black" /> <On Platform="Android"...
View ArticleUWA doesn't run
DEP3321: To deploy this application, your deployment target should be running Windows Universal Runtime version 10.0.15063.0 or higher. You currently are running version 10.0.10240.17443. Please update...
View ArticleBindable Properties
I have this Behavior I would set a label when the regex is match, my regex works fine, the color on entry change. But for the label i would set, I don't know how use the bindable properties....
View ArticleHow to clear an image from cache?
I have several images of people and am giving them the ability to change the picture out by taking a new picture with their device. The images are stored on the web and the UriImageSource Uri is an...
View ArticleError: This version of Xamarin.Mac requires the macOS 10.14 sdk
Hello, I have this error when trying to compile my project on Xamarin.Mac. I have the latest OS version and the latest XCode. Error MM0091: This version of Xamarin.Mac requires the macOS 10.14 SDK...
View ArticleXamarin forms android splash screen appear when navigation.pushasync and...
style.xml <? xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"? > < resources > < style name = "MainTheme" parent="MainTheme.Base" > < /style > < item name = "windowNoTitle"> true <...
View ArticleProper way to design in xamarin.ios ????
Hi guys !! I am new to xamarin.ios . I was given a project where could see some storyboard designs . I have came across some msdn docs but confused how to do proper designing for xamarinios . Either to...
View ArticleSystem.ArgumentException crash in custom UWP FrameRenderer
Hi, I'm using a custom FrameRenderer in my UWP project to style frames (corner radius and color). When I scroll a bit back and forth, the app crashes with a System.ArgumentException: Value does not...
View ArticleWeb Service
Hello everyone, I'm working on xamarin forms application, i want to understand how webservices work with xamarin. I have one project witch represente the web service but not deployed in iis but in...
View Articleafter cropping the image quality changes, why?
I have a cropping project in xamarin forms for ios , after getting the image the quality of the image decrease, could anyone see my code in the github link below and ell me what have done wrong? thnx....
View ArticleCS0103 The name 'Resource' does not exist
In new version of xamarin with vs 2015 i get this message in every time i use resource.id
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