Hello, I am having trouble adding a CALayer to my UIPickerView. I tried to follow the example in this thread: http://forums.xamarin.com/discussion/1615/styling-uipickerview but I have had no success. Am I correct to be adding my newly made CALayer to the Mask of my UIPickerView within the controller's ViewDidLoad() function?
Here is a gist of my code, beginning at line 48 is my attempt. https://gist.github.com/mwickman/1f20ba4f24fda875551b Does anyone see my error?
Scenario: I have 4 UIPickerViews on a single screen. I am atempting to put a layer on top of them in order to prevent each picker from appearing to overlap with the others. I realize 4 pickers is probably more than average, but I need my user to select 4 values from predetermined lists, where each subsequent list is dependent on the previous one. I'm open to other controls for this if anyone has a suggestion!
Thank you for any help!
Update: I'm having more success assigning the layer to View.Layer.Mask as opposed to the Picker itself