When my app starts up i create a 2 view controllers. One for my main landing and one for login, which is only shown if the user has not logged in before.
What I need to do is refresh the look of the landing page controller after I dismiss the login controller.
This is the code snippet to launch the two controllers:
// create a new window instance based on the screen size window = new UIWindow (UIScreen.MainScreen.Bounds);
mainAppNavController = new UINavigationController();
window.RootViewController = mainAppNavController;
homeController = new LockerViewController ();
mainAppNavController.PushViewController ( homeController, false );
// make the window visible
window.MakeKeyAndVisible ();
var login = new LoginViewController ();
mainAppNavController.PresentViewController (login, false, null);
Then once the login is complete, I dismiss it with
//get rid of the login window
DismissViewController (true, null);
How do I catch the fact that the login window has been dismissed so I can refresh the underlying landing page view controller?
Thanks for any help!!