Hey group,
I am on the Alpha channel and have the latest installed.
Not quite there yet. I finally managed to get Genymotion to start and I can run and debug from Xamarin Studio to the Genymotions emulators. Needless to say I am happy about the speed different! :)
However I still cannot run the same project from Visual Studio. Here is what I do:
- Start the emulator in Genymotion
- Open the same project in Visual Studio 2013 on Windows 8.1
- Make sure that the emulator is selected in the dropdown (Genymotion Galaxy Note 3 - 4.4.2 - API19 - 1080x1920)
- Press Ctrl- F5
- The compiler goes through all phases, then shows "Waiting for device"
- After a long wait (minutes), it shows a popup with "More details". This shows an OutOfMemoryException.
It's not a blocking issue since I can always run and debug from Xamarin Studio but I would like to understand why it works from one environment and not from the other.
Cheers Laurent