Today, when build application to test, I found a problem that 1 viewcontroller is released automatically after appear on screen.
I have some view, which override Dispose function like this:
public class MyView : UIView(){ // some functions
protected override void Dispose(bool disposing){ foreach(UIView view in Subviews){ view.RemoveFromSuperView(); view.Dispose(); } Base.Dispose(); } } And application throw an exception with message: UIKit is not invoke in MainUIThread, it seem to be GC try to finalize something and causing this. But I saw something really strange here: 1. MyView is actually using in my ViewController 2. It only occur with Debug Mode on iPad running iOS7.0.6, if I build in release mode, I don’t get this 3. If I run on Simulator, problem not occur also
I don’t think this is occurred when we during development, because I already checked out iOS-5 Brach, which are tested carefully and doesn’t meet this problem before and build it again, this problem is happened also. It would be nice if you can give us some advices.