Ok, so I'm working on creating a "piano" style control. I have a Keyboard object that has a collection of Keys (both extend from UIControl). I create the keys and add them to the Keyboard via AddSubViews(). Each key is contained in its own sub-frame, and these are arranged in a line within the keyboard control like so: [A][A#][B][C], etc...
In order to allow a single "swipe" style interaction to affect multiple keys, I need the the Keyboard to own the touch events. To do this, I've overridden the HitTest in my Key class to always return null, so the touch event will always bubble up to the keyboard level, which then determines which key is currently being "touched".
This works perfectly on the simulator. I'm able to swipe my mouse across the keyboard and have each key toggle its highlight state on/off accordingly. But when I run the same code on my iPad, nothing happens.
Stepping through the debugger, it looks like TouchesBegan is being called for each individual Key control, even though HitTest is returning null.
Update: It looks like HitTest is not actually being called for my Key control when debugging on iPad, even though it is being called when debugging on the simulator.
Any ideas?