MonoTouch Bindings
Hi! I thy to make a DLL for TestFlight. I download the monotouch-bindings ( and I try with version 1.2.1, 1.2.5 and 1.2.6 and I always...
View Article4.0.10 still flagged as an upgrade after updating
Yesterday I was notified on starting XS that XS 4.0.10 and Xamarin.Android 4.8.0 were available on the Beta channel, and I applied the updates. This morning, I got the same notification - XS 4.0.10 and...
View ArticleHow to implements Runnable library in Xamarin?
I have problems to apply Runnable library in Xamarin. Is it posible? and if It is posible What should I do? I want to connect my device with printer by bluetooth.
View ArticleHitTest not being called when debugging on device...
Ok, so I'm working on creating a "piano" style control. I have a Keyboard object that has a collection of Keys (both extend from UIControl). I create the keys and add them to the Keyboard via...
View ArticleComponent Store broken
Currently on 4.0.12. I've been receiving this error for at least 3 versions of Xamarin Studio now (I have no idea if it worked before then, never tried it before). The weird thing is, it shows the...
View ArticleVisual Studio 2013 Support
Is it too early to ask what the plans are around Visual Studio 2013? :)
View ArticleHiding strings
I am about finished with my game for android made using Mono for Android and MonoGame. My game's code has several hard coded strings such as billing service key, Facebook app key, ad service key and so...
View ArticleRemoting Error 409
Setup: MacBook Pro with VMWare running Win8. Using Visual Studio 2012. Coming back to iOS development, I tried to just get a basic template test app (click me app) running to make sure everything is...
View ArticleiOS Programmatically change a components width and height
I have a class thats extending UIButton. How do I set the default size of the button (custom component)? I tried.. this.Frame = new RectangleF (0,0,52,44);
View ArticleAndroid.Net Unkown Resolve Error
I'm trying to open a webpage in a Xamarin.Android app using: ... using Android.Net; ... Intent browserIntent = new Intent(Intent.ActionView, new Android.Net.Uri(""));...
View ArticleLoad/Create XML-File for Saving Data
Hi i just beginn developing with Xamarin so please be patient ;). I want to save customer Data in a xml-file and update it in a listview. I already got a working listview with customer objects. But i...
View ArticlePlublishing an addin to - Forever "Pending"
: at MonoDevelop.VersionControl.Subversion.Unix.SvnClient.CheckError (IntPtr error, Nullable`1 allowedError)...
View ArticleXamarin.Studio not recognizing References or Usings?
Hello, I have this issue every time I open Xamarin.Studio. The syntax highlighting, autocomplete, and right-click menu does recognize any references or usings in my files. Exceptions: Current File's...
View ArticleSort Configurations (iOS)
Hello, I'm going through the project options, it would help if the configurations (debug, release, etc.) were sorted alphabetically. Thanks
View Articlesystem.runtime.serialization not automatically included while adding web...
Just FYI - while adding a web reference to an Android project - the generated Proxy uses the Serialization assembly but its not automatically added in references. So if you get following error, then...
View ArticleGet selected radiobutton from radiogroup
Hi folks! How can I get the selected radiobutton from a radiogroup in android?
View ArticleXamarin.Social Sharing on Pinterest
Hello to everyone! I'm trying to use Xamarin.Social to share a picture on pinterest. But every times i try to use PinterestService.GetUI, after being asked for an account, i get an alert with the...
View ArticleUnable to convert instance of type 'Android.Widget.Button' to type...
Hello all! I know what you're thinking. I shouldn't be converting a Button to a ListView. But I'm not! Honest! The offending line of code is: ListView lv = FindViewById(Resource.Id.CollectionList);...
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