I'm using the Xamarin.Mobile GetTakePhotoUI, and I'm just curious how it gets it's full path to store photos in. I am setting it up with this:
takePhotoBtn.Click += (object sender, EventArgs e) => {
var intent = mediaPicker.GetTakePhotoUI (new StoreCameraMediaOptions {
Name = String.Format("photo_{0}.jpg", Guid.NewGuid()),
Directory = "MyPhotos",
StartActivityForResult (intent, PHOTO_TAKE_CODE);
// continues in OnActivityResult
That stores in this folder like this: /storage/emulated/0/Android/data/com.mynamespace.MyApp/files/Pictures/MyPhotos/photo_0dfe0951-8715-4c73-937f-99b429c0f2c4.jpg
The first part of that "/storage/emulated/0/" can be grabbed with this: Android.OS.Environment.ExternalStorageDirectory
But how can I get the rest of that path (/Android/data/com.mynamespace.MyApp/files/Pictures/)? I could hard code that, but I'm concerned that it will be different on different devices - and I'd really just like to duplicate the whatever Xamarin.Mobile is doing (I couldn't find it in the source code on github). The idea is to store photos that I grab from GetPickPhotoUI in the same location after processing, rather than relying on the persistence of gallery photos.
Suggestions about better options for storing photos with my app (these are not added to the gallery, they are cropped and downsized, and then only used in the app) are very appreciated.
Kevin N.