Is System.Threading.Timer enabled or running?
I'm starting a timer with the following code _timer = new System.Threading.Timer ((o) => { Console.WriteLine("hello from the timer"); }, null, 0, 10000); After other events, I use _timer.Dispose();...
View ArticleHow to add .NET wrapper to the project
I develop app using Emotiv SDK. Basically the SDK consists of two files: dll file (edk.dll) .NET dll wrapper for first file (wrapper.dll) In Xamarin Studio I added wrapper to the references and app...
View ArticleCalling a wcf from android app.
I have a wcf service to get information from my azure database with works perfectly. Only thing is I have been stuck from the last two days calling the this wcf to get information into an android app....
View ArticleIssue building app with Google Play Services
I am trying to understand the Google Maps API with a little app following the tutorial from Xamarin. However, the compiler won't let me build the app with the following errors : `...
View ArticleHow to save an image to Internal Storage and then show it on another activity?
Hi all, I have two activities on which I need to show the same image. On the first screen, I download it from a web URL and show it but I don't want to do the same on second screen. I want to save it...
View ArticleClose Activity After Alert Dialog
I have an activity that opens an alert dialog. The alert only has an OK button. When OK is clicked I want to dispose of the dialog and close the activity. I have tried several things but what generally...
View ArticleHow can I add an event in a dynamically generated view?
I have a screen which generated from outside of the activity class. How can I event on images on the relative layout? `public View AddedView(View parentView, Context appContext){ //Get parent layout...
View ArticleXamarin studio doesn't start (process is killed)
What should i do to start xamarin studio?? I tried to install many msi but Xamarin studio doesn't start (process is being killed after a few seconds)!!! I want to compile a simple app using starter...
View ArticleCustom Adapter
I have a custom listview adapter. I have an event that is triggered when a button in a row is clicked - this works just fine. I'm trying to figure out how to make a waiting progress bar on associated...
View ArticleApp rejected Non-public API usage
I previously successfully had an app on the appstore for most of last year - I have upgraded it and re uploaded but it has been rejected with a most unhelpful message thus "We have discovered one or...
View ArticleLooking for Sacramento / Nor Cal tutor.
I'm a retired old school programmer, wanting to learn app programming. I've bought parts n pieces, but need some hand holding to get started. Willing to pay. Thank you. Dennis Luther 916.549.1047
View ArticleMedia Player in Android (VS) error
I tried to follow the Xamarin Play Audio Recipe but using a Duck.wave file instead of test.mp3 I have the line: _player = MediaPlayer.Create(this, Resource.Raw.Duck); But get an error:...
View Articlehow to add a reference to assembly 'Mono.Android"
I keep getting an assembly error is asking me to add a reference to an assembly but i dont know were its located error: The type 'Android.Content.Context' is defined in an assembly that is not...
View ArticleRight way to include GTK# and Mono for a cross-platform desktop application
I am porting an open source WPF app into GTK# to enable support for Mac and Linux as well. What is the correct way to include the GTK# (for all three platforms) and Mono (for Mac and Linux) binaries...
View ArticleDataContractJsonSerializer has problems with deserializing double values in...
if I try to deserialize a complex structure containing double values in the version 7.0.7 there is a problem. Every double like 12.34 will be converted to 1234 in the resulting class. If I use version...
View ArticleiPhoneOSGameView and memory
Hi all we've been having some problems with memory warnings in our app in iPhone 4 and 4S. We do a lot of background operations, that "seem" to be stable. After activating and deactivating these tasks,...
View ArticleMonoTouch.Dialog - How to update the table cell/refresh the data?
I'm using MT-d to create an indexed view controller. When a cell is tapped, the user is taken to a detail screen (that is a normal XIB based screen) for that cell. Here they can toggle the "favourite"...
View ArticleGetting the location as Xamarin.Mobile's GetTakePhotoUI
Hi, I'm using the Xamarin.Mobile GetTakePhotoUI, and I'm just curious how it gets it's full path to store photos in. I am setting it up with this: takePhotoBtn.Click += (object sender, EventArgs e)...
View ArticleGimbal SDK (BLE Beacons)
Hi, Does someone already work with Gimbal SDK with Xamarin? Thanks
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