March 25: Sydney Mobile .Net Developers Group: Azure Mobile Services with...
Date: March 25th Location: North Sydney Registration: Several of the feedback forms last month requested details on accessing web...
View ArticleHTTPS for WebRequests
Hi everybody! I'm Using HTTP Client in my PCL and I'm wondering how I can switch to a HTTPS Protocol? Is this possible somehow with minor changes? using (var client = new HttpClient ()) { var...
View ArticleAzure Mobile Services with Xamarin and MvvmCross, The Internet of Things, and...
Presentation Titles: A Demonstration of Raygun4Net from the Xamarin Component Store, Ian Jones The Internet of Things, Mobility and the .Net Micro Framework, Dave Glover Azure Mobile Services with...
View ArticleAuthentication for REST Services
Hello everybody, I have a WEBAPI REST Service (which is kind of a middle layer) wich authenticates on another service (WCF Service) with username and password and gets it's data from there. Since my...
View ArticleError running the Hello, Phone Tutorial
All, I hope you can help. I'm trying to follow the tutorial referenced, I have Xamarin, xCode and a Macbook. The application compiles just fine, but before the screen loads I get this error:...
View ArticleAndroid Bindings and Resources
I'm trying to bind a native SDK Jar which also includes a .so file, the binding project compiles just fine however I also need to include the res files from the native SDK into my binding project. Does...
View ArticleSplit String
May I know how do I split a string? eg, retrieve idNo, name into a table. RowSelect it, to the next ViewController. I only need to idNo to bring to the next ViewController. So a split string is...
View Articlenative library binding problem
Hi, i'm try to using a third library write by c++,the library used libssh2,how should i add reference to that lib. i try add lssh2 to the LinkerFlags but not work. using System; using...
View ArticleMonoTouch UIImage.FromFile not loading retina assets
I am testing in the simulator with iOS7. All my assets are retina only with the @2x name. I have a very weird behaviour with UIImage.FromFile. Please note that the behaviour is the same with simulator...
View Article[Xamarin Blog] Sharper HTML Hybrid Apps with Razor
Just posted: Sharper HTML Hybrid Apps with Razor on the Xamarin Blog. Read the full article to learn how to create new Hybrid HTML mobile applications using Xamarin and the Razor templating engine (or...
View ArticleMulti Select Segmented Control tutorial
Searched around the net but didn't find any tutorial to do multiple selection for segmented control. Can someone teach me how to do it ? eg. Mon, Tues, Wed, Thurs, Fri, Sat, Sun. I need to allow users...
View ArticleHow do I get the selected items from a UICollectionViewController?
Hey guys, I've created a screen which subclasses UICollectionViewController and provided data to it via the GetCell method. This control also has AllowMultipleSelection enabled. Everything works well....
View ArticlePermission for Google Maps in manifest fails at deployment
Hey everybody, Since I want to display a map in my app, I followed Xamarin's guide regarding MAPS Api. When I type all the permissions in the AndroidManifest and build the application, no problem. But...
View ArticleSQLite and FTS support
Hi. Does MonoDroid support FTS with SQLite ? Should I use Android.Database.Sqlite namespace or ?? Thanks in advance
View ArticleEmail Send in Xamarin
I am not able to send an email using the code. Can anyone help me on this. [Activity (Label = "SendEmail", MainLauncher = true)] public class Activity1 : Activity { protected override void OnCreate...
View Articlewrapper type is missing its native objective c class
I'm trying to binding Sina Weibo SDK for monotouch but When I run the app with the DLL,some wrong come out:"wrapper type is missing its native objective c class". Here are the Files which I write....
View ArticleApplication not installed
Error : package with that name and different signature already installed. my device already install test.apk file (Version name: 1.4). and i have create new test.apk(Versoin name: 1.5). new apk install...
View ArticleLocalization Issues
Hi, I have created the resource files for different languages in my mono application. but the localization works only if i change language as well as region. But all other application which support...
View ArticlePCL project does not build after Mono 3.2.7 update (Help)
Hi! Just updated to Mono 3.2.7 and PCL project won't build: Microsoft.Portable.CSharp.targets /Users/miha/work/Project.Portable.Core/Project.Portable.Core.csproj: Error:...
View ArticleHow to setup UICollectionView datasource
Hi I am completely new to both Xamarin and iOS development, so apologies for the obvious nature of the question. I want to use a UICollectionView on a UIViewController, not a UICollectionViewController...
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