Hello, I'm having trouble getting constraints working. I have a view with a list of views in children. I want them to be laid out in a vertical stack. So, I'm using the method below, but I get a blank view when I call it. Trying to get my head around how this should work with this example.
What have I missed?
`public void BuildConstraints() {
this.TranslatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints = false;
const int hpad = 4;
UIView prev = null;
foreach (var v in Children)
v.TranslatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints = false;
if (prev != null)
this.AddConstraint (NSLayoutConstraint.Create (
v, NSLayoutAttribute.Top,
prev, NSLayoutAttribute.Bottom,
1, hpad));
} else
this.AddConstraint (NSLayoutConstraint.Create (
v, NSLayoutAttribute.Top,
this, NSLayoutAttribute.Top,
1, hpad));
prev = v;
var constraints = this.Constraints;
foreach (var c in Constraints)
Console.WriteLine (c);