I'm running on Windows 7 x64. I just downloaded the latest Xamarin free version.
I have the latest Android SDK (android-sdk_r18-windows) and NDK installed. The install for the NDK consisted of downloading a ZIP file and then extracting it. The instructions on the Android Developers website didn't specify a specific place to extract it to, so I put it in the same folder where my SDK is installed. I.e. in one folder, I have a subfolder called "sdk" and another subfolder called "android-ndk-r8d".
When I run the Xamarin installer, it says I don't have the NDK installed and wants to install it again.
I tried moving the NDK folder under the sdk folder and still get the same result.
The NDK is large and I don't want to wait for Xamarin to download and install it again.
What do I need to do so that the Xamarin install can find the NDK?
TIA for any help!