Visual Studio activation error
I am not able to connect to Xamarin from Visual Studio. What should I do? My company purchased several Xamarin licenses for the team, but I get an error when I try to login with Visual Studio. I open...
View ArticleMistake in 7.2 release notes
It states that xcode 5.1 internal changes were added and that the AppStore(ios) requires the latest version to deploy. This is not wholly true. In fact I deployed 2 days ago with 4.6 via xcode ( the...
View ArticleSettings App crashes when I tap the app in Settings
Hi All, I have written an app that has a local settings class and dialog that works perfectly within the app. I have a Settings.bundle and Root.plist containing the variable necessary. When I open the...
View Articlecan no longer update any xib files
I get "An error has occurred Error updating Xcode project. Invalid parameter" in the details I see a stack trace that indicates an error in SetLastWriteTime ... Any fixes/workarounds?
View ArticleColouring a polygon on a map
Hi, I have a series of polygons on a map. Is there a way that I can colour them in different colours depending on a value fed in (for example, from an XML file I gave <polygon1> /* list of points...
View ArticleTraining videos pricing needs another option
While I can appreciate having a live person available during live training and that is the cost justification for $1995/yr, how about introducing another option where you can watch recorded classes at...
View ArticleSGen/RefCount in
In the release notes for it says that both the SGEN garbage collector and RefCount features a no longer experimental, but the Xamarin Studio UI still lists them as being experimental. Is this...
View ArticleSynchronous ALAsset read
Guys do you see any risk in this method to read an ALAsset synchronously ? cheers public static ALAsset SynchronousGetAsset(string filename) { ManualResetEvent waiter = new ManualResetEvent(false);...
View ArticleWait cursor when running tasks
I'm using a pattern like this when doing tasks (db, network) to show the user that the app is busy // BT is @NicWise BTProgressHUD component BTProgressHUD.Show ("Downloading Data From Server...");...
View ArticleHow to display a Spinner in a Dialog
Hi all, I'd like to display a Spinner in a Dialog. But I failed to create a spinner adapter. Here is code, public class NewCustomerDialog : DialogFragment { public override View...
View ArticleUnable to perform push segue
Hello, I have attempted to utilize a push segue in one of my larger applications. I was getting an error when I attempted to push the segue using this.PerformSegue(SegueID,this);. I ended up creating a...
View ArticleNeed help with Java Bindings (nested classes are generated!)
I created a java binding and I'm getting the following error Error 50 'C001': member names cannot be the same as their enclosing type Upon checking the generated file, I found there was a nested class...
View ArticleSwipe on ListAdapter
Hello Guys... I am a newbie to xamarin and want to seek advice on following. I have created an app which ListOut set peoples names and images.Now my requirement is when user swipes on cell of a person...
View ArticleXamarin Studio 5
Hi everyone, I updated my Xamarin Studio 5 (alpha channel) yesterday. And i very like new face (new logo, new icons etc.) When I saw the new design I wanted to share my thoughts with you here. I wonder...
View Articleandroid designer
I am trying to understand the basics of the android designer. Now I am trying to use resources, but don't get them to really work. 1) in the project is a Strings.xml and in that same directory I added...
View ArticleAdd Some Sweet Sound to your App
Read the full article: "Add Some Sweet Sound to Your App" on the Xamarin blog. Please use this thread to discuss or ask questions.
View Articlelocation address update without press button
here my sample ` async void getADress() { try { if (_currentLocation == null) { _addressText.Text = "Can't determine the current address."; return; } Geocoder geocoder = new Geocoder(this);...
View ArticleScreen capture video recording what is currently happening on the screen.
Hey Guys, I'm wondering if there is something that I could use to record what is hapenning on my screen, even the sound. For example, if I'm taking a video in my app and drawing things over my screen...
View ArticleInstall can't find NDK
I'm running on Windows 7 x64. I just downloaded the latest Xamarin free version. I have the latest Android SDK (android-sdk_r18-windows) and NDK installed. The install for the NDK consisted of...
View ArticleConsumming WCF Service hosted in Windows Azure
I have a WCF Service that is published in Windows Azure. I'm developing a cross-platform application that consumes the service and I patterned my code from the given example here:...
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