mono emulator not showing my Android app
Can you somebody help to display Android which designed using xamarin tool to display in emulator when run
View Articlecan no longer update any xib files
I get "An error has occurred Error updating Xcode project. Invalid parameter" in the details I see a stack trace that indicates an error in SetLastWriteTime ... Any fixes/workarounds?
View ArticleFrom Table View on row select detailed view
Hi I am writing to create a table view which on selection of the row goes to a detailed description of the row. I tried following the post but couldn't get it work . In my table source inside the row...
View ArticleTrouble create binding for Google Analytics SDK
As it says on the tin, I've been having some trouble getting a binding working for the Google Analytics SDK 3.01. I've followed the step by step guide on the Xamarin Docs (skipping the first step of...
View ArticleUdpClient in background
Hi, I'm quite new to Xamarin development and I'm working on kind of VoIP application based on a IAX2 DLL. The DLL uses System.Net.Sockets.UdpClient in order to send/receive audio data. Everything is...
View ArticleProblems with Obj-C native linking
Hi, I have created a binding for the BA3 AltusMapping library and I am having a few issues with integrating into my project. Here is the linking details: [assembly: LinkWith...
View Article"Keyboard History Utility has stopped working" appears after starting Android...
In Visual Studio 2012. When pressing Tools->Open Android Emulator Manager, a error dialog appears multiple times with the message "Keyboard History Utility has stopped working". "Check online for a...
View ArticleSetting AlarmManager to repeat given a specific time
I'm not able to get the AlarmManager to work correctly with a Calendar or GregorianCalendar object. Global.StartingTime is a static DateTime object in another class. It's hour property returns the time...
View ArticleHow do i add a tab bar to this storyboard I have no idea how to get it to...
How do i insert a tab bar in my rootview controller using story board im so used to using xibs can anyone help I have included my screen shot do I just add a tab bar component to my root view in...
View ArticleError MT5203: Failed to generate the debug symbols (dSYM directory). Please...
Started receiving this error after upgrading my iPhone to iOS 7.1.1. Can build for simulator though. I uninstalled and reinstalled Xcode, Xcode command line tools, and Xamarin and am still receiving...
View ArticleChat Component
Does anybody or have attempted to create a chat window like the sms message view where the convo keeps being added to a user messages? for ios at all
View ArticleAndroid Trial Expired - Temporary License Update?
My trial to Xamarin.Android ended a while ago, so when I open Xamarin Studio or Visual Studio, I get a window either asking me to upgrade, or to upgrade my license and use the Xamarin.Android starter...
View ArticleHide Calling screen behind another activity.
Hi, I have been trying to do this but I haven't found a way. We want to migrate an app we had on WinCE to Android. In the app the user could make and receive calls to/from users but without being able...
View ArticleAlliance Calendar problem visual estudio
Hello I hope someone could help when i include allianse calendar component to my visual studio project when i build it i got this eror Error 1 'calendario.Resource.Layout' does not contain a definition...
View ArticleRedefine AndroidManifest Project Property
I'm trying to conditionally set the AndroidManifest property in my csproj file. (e.g. - normally, use the default value.) <AndroidManifest>Properties\AndroidManifest.xml</AndroidManifest>...
View ArticleAd-hoc build builds every project
I'm not going to report a bug, since it has an adverse effect (no repro: have fun) Building a project in a multi project solution for Debug/Release is ok. Doing the same for Ad-hoc rebuilds every...
View ArticleXamarin Studio does not see provisioning profile since 4.1.13 (build 17)
I updated to the latest Alpha channel this morning, and now Xamarin Studio will not build my existing iOS apps for a device. It is not seeing my provisioning profiles. Nothing has changed outside of...
View ArticleMotion detection through video?
Hi, I have this crazy idea for an app that requires different motions to be done with the hands in front of a camera. A bit like what can be done with the Xbox Kinect, except not as advanced. Not...
View ArticleMissing "Developer Accounts" preference tab
Hi, I've been following these instructions in an attempt to deploy to an iPad, but I have no Developer Accounts tab in my preferences. Therefore, I am unable to set up my Apple ID / certificates as...
View ArticleLatest Update: Developer Accounts missing
Xamarin studio (OSX): Latest update 4.2.4 was installed this morning. Now, under preferences, the developer account section is missing. Cannot do any provisioning at all; also, info,plist now longer...
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