I'm having issues changing color/width of a polyline I'm creating using the Google Play Services Rev 12.
Here's a simplified code I'm using
var options = new PolylineOptions();
// at this point I can't set Color/Width, as options.Width is only a getter.
// There is InvokeWidth and InvokeColor, but those don't seem to have any effect.
foreach (var point in points)
options.Add(new LatLng(point.Latitude, point.Longitude));
When I add the polyline options to the map I get back an instance of Polyline
, which does have Width/Color setters
var polyline = map.AddPolyline(options);
polyline.Color = Resource.Color.herpderp;
polyline.Width = 3;
But it seems that this is not good enough either, as the polyline isn't responding to the change. Maybe it needs to be redrawn somehow?