Is it possible to inflate a view or dialog box on top of an application that is not the main application? For example: My current app triggers whenever an outgoing phone call is attempted. Is there a way for my secondary layout to appear on top of the android call/dialing application layout when triggered?
I'm currently using this dialog and when I switch to my original activity I can see that the dialog box is displayed. Ideally I would like for it to appear on top of the application that is currently active. (the call/phone apk)
if (filter.GetAction(0) == Intent.ActionNewOutgoingCall)
PopupWindow popup = new PopupWindow();
View customView = LayoutInflater.Inflate (Resource.Layout.Selection,null);
AlertDialog.Builder builder = new AlertDialog.Builder (this);
builder.Create ();
builder.Show ();
//popup.ShowAtLocation(ro, GravityFlags.Left, 1, 1);