I'm attempting to customize my nav bar so that it can do something like this: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/22927047/ios-status-bar-touch-to-return-to-app
I've figured out that overriding the SizeThatFits method will allow me to set the height of the navigation bar and I'm overriding LayoutSubviews so that I can add that little banner above the nav title/buttons etc. This all works perfectly if the navigation bar is always this height but I need it to be dynamic as the banner will not be needed on every screen. The problem is that while the SizeThatFits is called and sets the height correctly on view change, the actual Frame of the nav bar is not resized to fit that new size value. The end result being a transparent gap equal to the difference in height between the SizeThatFits value and the Frame value between the nav bar and the rest of the view controller. I've seen examples where people have overridden SizeThatFits and then also set the Frame size in LayoutSubviews but that just creates an infinite loop as LayoutSubviews is tiggered again and again by the setting of Frame.