Potential build hang after upgrading build host to Xamarin.iOS 7.2.1
At the moment, updating the Mac build host to Xamarin.iOS 7.2.1 or higher can cause long build "hangs" in Xamarin.iOS for Visual Studio [1]. You are more likely to run into this issue if your project...
View ArticlePorting windows project Resourcse into Android
I am trying to port a windows .net library into android using Xamarin studio. So far everything is smooth and compilable. In the windows project we have resources.resx file containing string values...
View ArticleClipboard: copy/paste problem
Hi, I have problem with copy and paste from clipboard. I get this error from Xamarin Studio 4.0.8: System.ArgumentException: Lunghezza della matrice di origine insufficiente. Controllare srcIndex, la...
View ArticleUnable to determine license edition. (XA9010)
I am running xamarin studio under starter edition but get the error Unable to determine license edition. (XA9010). Please help.
View ArticleMissing fixes in v.1.12
SDK prompt still asks now and then to sync SDK (I reported it last year) Unloaded projects are still reloaded (I reported it in january, and months before it was reported on a different bug)
View ArticleDevice crash on "Removing previous version of application"
Sometimes when I deploy my app on the real device, it crashes on "Removing previous version of application". I happens about every 3rd or 4th time. It is quite disturbing as I always have to restart...
View ArticleJava Binding Library - When trying to convert a jar file, java.exe is exited...
When converting a jar file using Java Binding Library project in Xamarin Studio, the build throws the below error. JDK Version is jdk1.6.0_45 The jar file build action is EmbeddedJar. The build fails...
View ArticleWeak Ciphers with SSL/TLS
Hello, this is a pretty general question and more likely related to Mono but I'm just having this problem with Android. Why is the framework having only outdated or compromised cipher suites for...
View ArticleHow to use an image that can be clicked on certain points
hello guys i need your opinion here: I want to make an app that will have an image. when you click on a certain point of the image it will happen something and in the point after the click i want now...
View ArticleUIImage.FromFile (Path).AsJPEG ().ToArray () is giving the wrong file size
I have a JPEG Image that is 1000 × 957 and 188KB. I'm doing the following: Resize and Crop to 800x800 and Save with JPEG Compression of 0.6 to my Path. The file size is now 70KB on disk and when I...
View ArticleFacebook SDK
Hi, I'm working on app which needs to post on an user wall some informations about some contents. I've successfully created the FB app (with all the settings required) and I've successfully built my...
View ArticleCustom UINavigationBar with dynamic height
I'm attempting to customize my nav bar so that it can do something like this: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/22927047/ios-status-bar-touch-to-return-to-app I've figured out that overriding the...
View Articlepackage android.support.v4.app does not exist
hello. i want to look at default sample for android.support.v4. but when i build project and it give me a lot of errors like that: Error 1 package android.support.v4.app does not exist extends...
View ArticleGraphics.DrawImage
Can anyone help me how to use a built in function on regular C# in Visual Studio in Xamarin Android the function that I find on the msdn website they have it as e.Graphics.DrawImage(image, x, y) were x...
View ArticleQuestion: Just started with Xamarin and exploring options of using Xamarin...
Is it possible to use free version of visual studio just to get a feel of for how it would work or I'm just wasting my time with it? Thanks.
View ArticleHow do I start the Calendar from my App?
I am trying to open the Calendar App from inside my App, how would I do that using [developer.android.com/guide/topics/providers/calendar-provider.html#intents](Calendar Intents)? Thanks for helping
View ArticleJava Bindings Library - Error CS102 + CS111
I tried to use jdom-2.0.2.jar and i have problems like these: C:\Users\Bianca\Documents\Projects\Mobile\Mobile\obj\Debug\generated\src\Org.Jdom2.Document.cs(19,19): Error CS0102: The type...
View ArticleXamarin shity enum formating
Above was a moment in time minding my own business writing some shity C# code when I hit Ctrl+S!! And them BAM!!
View ArticleJava Bindings Library - Error CS102 + CS111
I tried to use jdom-2.0.2.jar and i have problems like these: C:\Users\Bianca\Documents\Projects\Mobile\Mobile\obj\Debug\generated\src\Org.Jdom2.Document.cs(19,19): Error CS0102: The type...
View ArticleBuild error from non existing activity
When I try to build my xamarin android app with Xamarin Studio (or MS Visual Studio 2013) the build fails with error "cannot find symbol". The error source is an activity that is not from my project,...
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