I have a scenario where I need to take the value of a selected TextCell and use it to update a Label outside of the ListView. I notice that ListView has a SelectedItem property and the TextCell has a Command property. What is the difference between these?
As a more general design question (I am using Xamarin MVVM), how should I go about doing the update? Currently I was thinking of using the ListView SelectedItem property and binding it (Two-Way) with my VM. Then in the Setter I would update the VM propery that the label is bounded to.... Problem is that I have an async task that I need to do as it will translate the TextCell value to what I need the Label value to be.... How should I do this?
I have read a lot about behaviors and using those but I haven't even begun learning about those yet. I also played with the idea of using Task.Run for getting around the async issue. Also I thought about using the MessagingCenter but that seems to be for VM -> VM.
<ListView x:Name="ResultsList"
SelectedItem="{Binding SelectedDestinationItem,
<TextCell Text="{Binding Description}" Detail="{Binding Place_ID}" Com />
<Label Text="{Binding Current.Destination}"/>
And for the VM:
public AutoCompletePrediction SelectedDestinationItem
get => _selectedDestinationItem;
SetProperty(ref _selectedDestinationItem, value, "SelectedDestinationItem");
if (_selectedDestinationItem == null) return;
var place = await Places.GetPlace(_selectedDestinationItem.Place_ID, Constants.PlacesApiKey); //not valid
Current.Destination = place;
SelectedDestinationItem = null;
private AutoCompletePrediction _selectedDestinationItem;