LiveXAML - ability to develop your app in runtime
Hello, I had already posted here about two months ago. At the time, the name of my product was "Xamarin Forms Live" But due to branding issues I had to rename it to LiveXAML, which to me is an even...
View ArticleMultiPlatform Library Doesn't include Android Layout
I have created a nuget project multiple platform for xamarin forms. I have included a couple of layout files in my droid project. Able to create a nuget package. But when try to execute the method its...
View ArticleStarting new app. Where to start?
Hi there, I have an idea for a new app and I have created an azure account for a SQL database and for creating RESTful services. The database model is ready in my head but now that I want to start...
View ArticleListView with SelectedItem vs TextCell Command
I have a scenario where I need to take the value of a selected TextCell and use it to update a Label outside of the ListView. I notice that ListView has a SelectedItem property and the TextCell has a...
View ArticleAndroid Custom Frame Renderer Help
Hello Community, I created a custom FRAME renderer that creates a gradient background. It works for iOS however in Android the gradient works but none of the child controls inside the frame display....
View ArticleHow to do this bundle signing/provisioning
After a day of trying , I need some help. I cannot build from Visual Studio on Windows using an Agent on the MAc. Xamarin support is still trying to find out what the problem is. So I decided to build...
View Articlehow to send notifications to selected lcoations
hello eveyone. i am building an app, that connects users according to their location. for example, a user can define a location and send a notifications to other users in the same location. i have...
View ArticleCCMotionStreak not visible over a CCSprite
I have a really simple game that, for now, uses CCMotionStreak to show a streak when I touch is moving. I added a single layer to the scene and add the CCMotitionStreak to that layer. As the touch...
View ArticleGeofence Plugin - can geofence interact with app logic?
Xamarin forms app, running on iOS and Android, using Geofence Plugin. I have implemented a CrossGeofenceListener, which basically gives the user a notification when he is entering/leaving an area. What...
View ArticleGoto a tabbed page from outside the tabbedpage navigation
Hi, I have an application built with tabbedpage navigation but on some pages it's possible to open a second page trough "pushmodalasync". That new page contain a button that suppose to pop it's own...
View ArticleiBeacons with Xamarin Forms
Hi, I'm going to develop an app that need to interact with iBeacons. Which plugin do you suggest in order to interact with them? If the app is closed, but bluetooth is active on the smartphone, it...
View ArticleDoes IApp.Back Method work on iOS?
I am using IApp.Back() method in ui testing. It works on my local iOS simulators, but not in the Test Cloud. I am getting System.Exception : Error while performing Back() ----> System.Exception :...
View ArticleXamarin.Forms CardsView nuget package
Hi all) I've released new package for Xamarin.Forms (Something like Tinder's CardsView) Maybe, someone will be interested in it -- nuget...
View ArticleNSInvalidArgumentException Reason: Could not find a storyboard named 'Main'...
Hi, My Xamarin app is not starting even though I have the Main storyboard available in the Main folder. I see this error very frequently coming up with Xamarin, Can you please let me know if there is...
View ArticleXamarin Ios - iBeacon Transmitter Not working!
Hi Experts, I followed the iOS tutorial to make my application transmit ibeacon, I see the logs as its Advertising. But my Scanner in another device is not scanning the Ibeacon. Can you please let me...
View ArticleCCMotionStreak in CocosSharp Not Working
I'm working with CocosSharp in Visual Studio for Mac and I'm trying to get CCMotionStreak to work but I've not had much luck. It seems to be setup correctly but I can't get it to move. Setting the...
View ArticleStatic turn-based 2d tiled display in Xamarin Forms game
Hi, I'm just wondering what would be a suitable way for displaying a 'map' kind of thing, based on small 2d bitmap tiles? The game I'm writing is a simple. almost turn-based thing, there are no...
View ArticleCustom Control Binding to Command in Parent View Model?
I have a custom control within a ContentView and I would like the ability to Bind to a Command in the Parent View Model. Is this possible, does MyContentView inherit from the Parent Page? My design is...
View ArticleCustom ProgressBar
Hi all, Is there a way for forms, to change the color and shape of a progressbar? (make it a bit bigger). If it can be done using a custom renderer, does anybody have any example? Thanks!
View ArticleXamarin.Forms Image Source
I'm having trouble setting an Image Source to a byte array of bitmap data. I've done this before using a jpg. Now I have an array of RGBA data and I keep getting an error: ImageLoaderSourceHandler:...
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