could u please explain the process how we can archive these concept in accessibilty.In android they are using accessibilty service class in defaulT. BUT FOR IOS there is no accessibity build in service class ?
My VoiceoverTestApp(APP name )have to enable voice over and running in background .and I wants to read the text or detect the text or get the text in third party App like Skype ,Email,What APP & so on Xamarin (iOS iPhone)
APpname : VoiceoverTestApp
Step1 : enable voice over in our App
Step2 : switch to background State (Press home Button)
Step3:After that ,when user open new app like Skype ,Email,What APP & so on (third party app). (User open Skype app )
Step4:How to know app name and get text of user typed text ;
e.g.: I have open the Skype and typed “hello Apple” .
How i can get text “hello Apple” (user typed text)
My VoiceoverTestApp(APP name )have to enable voice over and running in background .and I wants to read the text or detect the text or get the text in third party App like Skype ,Email,What APP & so on