I'm trying to display a huge UIImage (10000 × 6500 pixels) in a UIScrollView, where you could zoom and pan it. Since the device can't handle to load such a big image, I used a CATiledLayer with levels of detail.
I first tried it with some online examples on XCode and manage to make it work perfectly, its really fast and it also works on devices like an iPhone 4 (the idea is to use it on the iPad).
When I tried to "translate" the code to C# using Monotouch, the results were much different. The tiles load really slow and in some devices the app crashes. So what I did was to create a static library of the Xcode project and create a bind with C#. Unfortunately the results were the same.
Any ideas? Why there is such difference in performance? I really need to make it work fast, as in the native project.
Thanks, Juli