Designing screens for iOS with Visual Studio
I am a newbie, so sorry if this question is simple. I just started with Xamarin to develop an iOS application using Visual Studio 2012. I changed the Tasky project to work for my new application (added...
View ArticleODBC
I have to create a mobile app that runs on Android and IOS, but has to communicate with a database that runs via ODBC driver. Is that in Xamarin possible? It is not a SQL Database, but it works over an...
View ArticleCan't build hello world application on Xamarin studio
i'm running windows 8. net framework 4 and 3.5 enabled. i just downloaded xamarin studio, create new application. when i press debug button, nothing happen. i try Run/Start without...
View ArticleThere is no valid device selected
I am trying to run (write click on project debug) my ios application from Visual studio I got the exception attached screenshot. Connection between VS2012 and xamarin mac server is successfully...
View ArticleXamarin Studio "No provisioning profiles have been detected..." on Mac
Got this error whenever I try to debug an iOS app on a Mac Error: No provisioning profiles have been detected. Please visit the iOS Provisioning Portal at to create one. I've...
View Article[Urgent] Xamarin.ios - Deploy to device without entering my apple ID in...
As the title says, I want to deploy my app to my device. I am using visual studio 2013. 1) I have setup my certificate in keychain 2) Created a provisioning profile with that device's UDID and...
View ArticleCannon load System.Core.dll while adding MvvmCross references
Hey I am building a cross platform app using Xamarin and MvvmCross. So far I have worked on the Android version and everything was great. I just started working on the iOS app, create a blank project...
View ArticlePassing data between navigation view controllers
I'm having trouble figuring out a way to pass data back to my main navigation controller. For instance, I have a List that I pass to a new view through its constructor, but when I pop the new view off...
View ArticleBuilding publish packages from the command line - Build Server
I'm looking to fully automate our builds for iOS and Android. I have a Mac Mini with a Windows Server VM running with a TFS Build Agent. I've setup the Xamarin Build Host on the Mac and in the Build...
View ArticleUICollectionView sample
HI all, I would like to create a regular UIViewController that would contain some elements (Designed in Interface Builder) and among them it would contain UICollectionView. CollectionViewCell will be...
View ArticleMost menus including (Build, Save) are disabled after a little while in the IDE
Hi, I just bought an Indie subscription, I fire up the ide an edited an older project. In a couple of minutes, all menus where deactivated. Cannot build, cannot save, see the picture below. It is the...
View ArticleRecommended base API?
For a new app to be launched in the next 6 months, phone not tablet, fairly simple functionality what base API would people aim for? Current dashboards still suggest a 21% share using gingerbread, so...
View ArticleError message MT5203 dSYM when I try to bring up the code to my IPAD
Hi, I hope someone can help me. When I'm using Xcode (V5.0.2), everything is working fine. So I don't have a problem with the provisioning. I have installed the last Xamarin Version. I have created an...
View ArticleiOS 7 and EKEvent - Adding a EKAlarm is not added to the event
Hi, I'm trying to create a Calendar event with an alarm from within my iphone app with the code below. I've confirmed that the event gets created in my Calendar, but the problem is the Alarm does not...
View Articleclient certificate library for HTTPS access on Windows Phone8
Hi, As you all may be aware that the client certificate is not supported in SL and hence not in WP8. The best and cheap alternative is to convert the Mono source code under these circumstances. So I...
View ArticlePorting Google WebRTC app to C# - Android (and iOS in the future, MVVMCross)...
Hi Edit: Attempting to fix markup Main machine setup *Unbuntu for building the WebRTC code *Window 7 and Visual Studio 2013 with Xamarin.iOS and Xamarin.Android for building apps Background: I wish to...
View ArticleHow to cancel alarmmanager from a service?
Hi, I have an alarm manager running every minute which calls a Service. From within that service I'm checking how long the alarm manager has been running for. If longer than 5 minutes I want to kill...
View ArticleXamarin Studio Bug when consume web service
In the reference.cs the system tell me the tyme 'schema' in the auto generated code is not recognized! /// <remarks/> [System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCodeAttribute("XamarinStudio", "")]...
View ArticleRegEx crash on Xamarin.Android but not on Xamarin.iOS
The following single line of code works on iOS but crashes on Android: Regex rg = new Regex("<img.*?src\\s*=\\s*[\"']data:image/([^;]+);base64,([^\"']*)[\"'].*?/>"); The crash on Android is:...
View ArticleConnect to genymotion in OS X from VS running in Parallels?
I have the following configuration: - Genymotion installed in OS X - Parallels with Visual Studio + Xamarin I followed this guide and managed to get it so that I can F5 from VS into a standard...
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