Sqlite Installation and Tutorial
HI Can any body give me link for installation,downloading and example for sqlite in Xamarin.iOS.
View ArticleDialogFragment - OnCreateDialog - Update EditText after orientation change
I have a simple DialogFragment with a custom view that contains 1 EditText. During OnCreateDialog I read the arguments that I've already passed to the fragment and with these arguments I set the text...
View ArticleErrors after add components
I've added Android Support Library v7 AppCompat. I can't build project now. also I've set versions of android min: 2.2 and max 4.3. this is error : Please install package: 'Android Support Library' ......
View ArticleXamarin Beginner Questions
So I'm still evaluating Xamarin for my company's needs and such, but with the iOS portion, I'm running into weird issues. If these have been asked before, I apologize...I did try searching the forums...
View ArticleGetting a SyncAdapter to work
I've been trying to get a SyncAdapter to work. Man, what a ridiculously complicated mess. I don't even know where to begin, so I guess I'll just dump all the related code. If I put breakpoints pretty...
View ArticleIs it OK to reference non PCLs?
OK So I'm still evaluating, using Xamarin Studio for my Android code. I have had some success with referencing libraries from my existing code base, they seem to run fine. I ran into some problems...
View ArticleStop debugging in Android/Genymotion emulator - Annoying "Debugger Connection...
I'm not sure when this started. I know that I updated my X.A setup yesterday, but it could have started before then. I am using the Genymotion emulator. When I stop debugging on Windows in VS 2013,...
View ArticlePorting from IOS to Android
Hello, I have code base for IOS app which is in iTune, my client wants me to port it to Android he may ask to do same in Windows, so is it good to start working with Xamarin what all complexities I may...
View ArticleProblems in layout editor in Visual Studio
Hi, My company is evaluating using Xamarin for our next product so we can reuse some existing C# code on an Android port. We use Visual Studio 2012 for most everything, so I was excited about trying...
View ArticleError while building Razor template - The type or namespace name 'Web' does...
I am using Razor Template in Xamarin Studio for building a hybrid application, but while compiling, I am getting a strange error like this Error CS0234: The type or namespace name 'Web' does not exist...
View ArticleResource.Designer.cs failing to update
My Resource.Designer.cs file was failing to update with new Menu/detailsMenu.xml and Menu/editMenu.xml items. I deleted the Resource.Designer.cs file to let the Build recreate it which it did and I...
View ArticleSystem.Net.WebException Error: NameResolutionFailure
I periodically get this exception thrown from an android app I am writing side by side with an iOS application. At first, I thought it was a problem with my service being down but, I no longer think...
View ArticleDismiss keyboard with TextView
There is not a property of .ShouldReturn and it does not seem to trigger on .ShouldEndEditing. How do you dismiss the keyboard for TextView?
View ArticleRendering a PDF Page in a View
Hello, I am working on an Android project which supports PDFs. We would like it to work similar to our iOS app in that each page object displays a page of the PDF rendered into the view with various...
View ArticleiOS build succeeds without contacting the build host?
So how does this iOS build host thing work anyway? :-) I have a situation where the build of an iOS project succeeds even with the ethernet cable on the Mac build host unplugged. I think that's...
View ArticleDevelop on Windows and Mac with same code using source control
Hi, I'm new to Xamarin. Wondering if it's possible to create on Windows the Android version, then share the code with git and also develop on a mac? From what I understand using the indie licence and...
View Article[Xamarin Blog] Sharper HTML Hybrid Apps with Razor
Just posted: Sharper HTML Hybrid Apps with Razor on the Xamarin Blog. Read the full article to learn how to create new Hybrid HTML mobile applications using Xamarin and the Razor templating engine (or...
View ArticleSSLStream returns 1 certificate in the chain
Using SslStream and a custom validation callback it only returns 1 certificate in the chain. Why isn't SslStream reading the entire chain? Or is it putting the elements somewhere other than the passed...
View ArticleMemory leak with simple activity
I have a simple help activity that is launched from my dashboard activity and when navigating back from that help activity the memory allocation keeps growing rather than returning to where it was....
View ArticleSetup with MAC for VS2012 Debugging?
The last Apple other than an iPhone I owned was an Apple IIe. That said I've installed the Xamarin for iOS and Android development on my PC which is on our company network. It seems like a MacBook...
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