Getting started with Android: which API level, Emulator, version, etc?
Hi, So I've finally decided to go Android. Yeah! But hang on: on iOS I had to decide iOS 6 or also iOS 5? iPhone or also iPad? Done. On Android everything's different. If Joe Average goes to the store...
View ArticleGame to be iOS converted
I'm an old dog learning new tricks. I work with Fury Software as a game designer that has now been asked to code. We have a situation here and I would like to know if Xamarin does what we need to do. I...
View ArticleIssue with INNER JOIN
I have doubts about how to do a query using inner join. My issue is that with the following code I try to do the query but the results are null. So this is my code: public List<Example>...
View Articleint.Parse on negative number results in exception
This line of code: int.Parse("-1"); Results in a FormatException that says "Input string was not in the correct format" when i run it on a device. On the emulator it works just fine. I've tested this...
View ArticleWhere do I find the application icon in Visual Studio?
I was working through the "Hello, Android" guide. I got to section 3.2 - down to this part "In the Manifest, set the Application Icon to @drawable/icon:" I am working in Visual Studio, so that is not...
View ArticleAndroid SDK Location not being used correctly.
I'm running in the beta channel for Xamarin Studio on OS X and am running into an issue with where Xamarin Studio is pulling the Android SDK from. I have gone into Xamarin Studio's preferences and set...
View ArticleCoreMotion events while the app is running in background or phone is sleeping
Hi All, I have been doing some search on how this can be done and it seems that current apps use the following key in info.plist to let it run in the background:...
View ArticleUnity-3D Integration How-To
Hi, I'm porting all my stuff from Obj-C to CS; so far anything runs well and the code behind it is a lot more save, structured and readable than it was ever before. Not to mention the multi-platform...
View ArticleDebugging with Mono on a PC
I'm working on a cross-platform app that will eventually run on a Linux platform. Before I get that far, though, I'd like to just test the application running with Mono (instead of the .NET Framework)...
View ArticleDetecting which RadioElement has been tapped
Hi, If I have a pile of UIButtons, I can use the same TouchUpInside event handler for each button like this private void ButtonClicked(object s, EventArgs e) { UIButton btn = (UIButton)s;...
View ArticleGoogle Play services (Froyo) Rev 10 causes compile error
I uses Google Play services (Froyo) Rev 10 in may app, it causes compile error. Error shows as below, but it include many broken Japanese character , so it can not understand what it says. Errors:...
View ArticleFlip View along z axis
Hi, Can anyone provide a starting point on how to flip a view over along its z axis to show another view. I assume both views will need to be animated to achive the correct look. Imagine clicking a...
View ArticleDeveloper Needed
We need a developer to work on several projects. We have built two small apps for proof on concept and require additional capabilities to create apps that we can use with our customers.
View Articlegetting iOS push notifications working
I'm trying to register my app for push notifications and I am using the code taken from:...
View ArticleWhy can't ZXing assemblies load Mono.Android?
I've created a sample project for experimenting in iOS and Android. I added the ZXing component from the Component Store and have a working iOS test app. However, when attempting to get the Android one...
View ArticleClosing, killing exterminating application...
I need my button to kill the application so im using... this.Finish (); Process.KillProcess (Process.MyPid()); It works one time, then when i open my application again and try it start going back to...
View ArticleVideoView crashes after long time playing
I have a application that play videos in loop forever. I'm facing an issue that the VideoView seems to crash after a long time playing (usually 2 to 3 days). Some commentaries about what is happening:...
View ArticleActionBarSherlock tabs and setting titles
I've got tabs working great with ActionBarSherlock. What I want to do now is change the action bar's title based on the selected tab. How would I do this?
View ArticleUIFont suddenly becomes corrupted
Hi Xamarin iOS devs, today I stumbled upon a problem when using UIFont. It feels to me like a bug, however I'm not entirely sure what is going on. I'm using MonoTouch.Dialog to create an entry dialog....
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