Xamarin Forms: VMWare Air watch integration
We are using Xamarin Forms for Android and iOS. Is there documentation / steps to achieve the VMWare Airwatch SDK integration for Xamarin Forms on Android and iOS. Thanks.
View Articlexam.plugin.media nug for take photo crashed in xamarin ios application, after...
Hi everyone, In my app have a feature like take photos for profile picture. I am using xam.plugin.media 3.02v for taking photos, it's working fine but after updating my xcode to 9.2v it's getting...
View ArticleCarouselPage or CarouselView
I need to have a custom view in Xamarin.Forms. I need the header to have button in the middle of it, not a toolbar button on the side. The page also needs to change between content pages. Currently I...
View ArticleCan XamarinUI Test for iOS and Android be able to reuse in UWP automation test
Recently, I'm developing the script iOS and Android automation test using XamarinUITest and would be great if my script is able to reuse for UWP. Is there any solution to do that
View ArticleIsolated Background Services in Xamarin Android
Hello everybody, I have problem initiating an isolated services, sometimes known as Long Running Services. The process crashes on start. The same process starts and operates with no issues if run...
View ArticleCan Xamarin and Unity be used together?
I am a newby in Xamarin & know NOTHING of Unity. Can one use Unity with Xamarin in some way? For example, since C# is one of Unity's scripting language, can one design 3D objects in Unity can...
View ArticleHow can I add png images when I create a plugin?
I am developing a plugin for xamarin.I need to add the images to the plugin.There are several images which I will be able to add.How can I do this?.Those images are relevant to xaml pages which I gonna...
View ArticleIntelligense doesnt work properly when using the ".NET standard" Code sharing...
So I want to learn xamarin forms, but there are bugs like this everywhere. I go and select new project > cross platform >cross platform app (xamarin forms) > select blank template > ui...
View ArticleHow to user AWS Cognito to Sign-in and Sign-up users
Does anyone know how to use AWS Cognito handle user registration and sign in for a mobile app? I have been trying to find examples/tutorials online for a while now but can't seem to find anything that...
View ArticleStreetView Xamarin Forms
I am using this [Xamarin Forms Library of Google maps: https://github.com/amay077/Xamarin.Forms.GoogleMaps/. Now I have properly integrated it on my project. My question is, is there a way I can...
View ArticleiOS App Closing Event
Hi Is there an event fired when an iOS app closes, which I could use to consume an api call? I don't want to make the api call when the app enters the background by pressing the home button. Only want...
View ArticleProblem to set a OnClickListener
Hi everyone, I am new to Xamarin, I have a problem. Here are my codes: using System; using Android.App; using Android.Content; using Android.Runtime; using Android.Views; using Android.Widget; using...
View ArticleHow to detect iOS smart invert
How can I detect when a user enables smart invert on iOS in Xamarin.Forms? And how can I tell iOS not to invert my app that I already set it?
View ArticleSIGSEGV Error in IOS while using PresentViewController
Hello, I am facing an error in Xamarin.IOS and was working more than a week on it, reading different articles in SO and Xamarin.forum and trying to get an answer from the support team, but there was...
View ArticleHow do we create a plugin for xamarin which supports ios, android and windows...
I have seen the tutorial by james montemagno. But he uses visual studio, is there a way to create it using xamarin studio as i have mac book. In the tutorial he used plugin for xamarin in visual studio...
View ArticleExtending for WPF backend status
Guys, currently we have developed a cross platform app using Xamarin forms for Android, iOS and UWP. As you all know it, UWP app does work only in Windows 10 destop or above. Since major share of...
View ArticleBind bool in ControlTemplate Binding
I have successfully implemented Control template for my app and added Commands as Template binding. But now i need to show busy indicator in control template. i have IsBusy bool in my view model base....
View ArticleType Exception when adding seperate groups to a listview in forms and...
So i am trying to add multiple groups of items to a listview in xamarin forms. It works perfectly fine with just simple objects as such: todoListView.ItemsSource = new List<TodoItem> { new...
View ArticleHow can I access the ViewCell that was selected in a ListView ItemSelected...
Hi all, I'm trying to access the ViewCell that was selected in a ListView.ItemSelected event. I know how the access the ListView itself and the selected object, but I'm trying to access the actual...
View ArticleDebugger not working
Hi all together, i create a new solution in Xamarin.Forms. As i select UWP as StartProject the Debugger is missing all BreakPoints. In Android the Debugger is working as expected. Any ideas? Thanks...
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