How can we make Responsive Web Design in Mobile By Clling WebView ?
I want to Call My Website By Webview and I have to Remove Unwanted Stuff of Website in Mobile Is it Possible to Do.So that it can be Responsive in Mobile
View ArticleXamarin.Forms 2.5.0
We've published a new stable release of Xamarin.Forms, version Release Notes If you have a bug to report, drop us a detailed report here so we can investigate.
View ArticleiOS abstraction naming
What's the preferred way to name iOS abstractions? Let's say I have a iOS-service of some sort. It makes sense to prefix it with iOS, but to follow the c# conventions I should case it like IosService,...
View ArticleHow do I stop my application from crashing when starting an android email...
I developed a dependency service for sending an email from xamarin.forms. This used to work just fine. But, after a few Xamarin.Forms updates and related Xamarin.Android... API updates, this stopped...
View ArticleAfter install Visual Studio for Xamarin application does not load
Hi, Its killing my time. I have vs 2015 installed on windows 10 machine and I installed xamarin using visual studio 15 installer by change option (as shown on Xamarin website ) . After installing...
View ArticleGeofence Plugin - can geofence interact with app logic?
Xamarin forms app, running on iOS and Android, using Geofence Plugin. I have implemented a CrossGeofenceListener, which basically gives the user a notification when he is entering/leaving an area. What...
View Articlehow to send notifications to selected lcoations
hello eveyone. i am building an app, that connects users according to their location. for example, a user can define a location and send a notifications to other users in the same location. i have...
View ArticleGeofence Plugin for Xamarin Released
Hi guys Just released a plugin that supports geofence monitoring for iOS and Android Platform. Windows support coming soon. Try it and let me know if helps any one. Also have a list of TODOs if anyone...
View ArticleWhile going to build the .Driod project of Xamarin forms got "The "Javac"...
Due to version conflict I did Uninstall and then Reinstall all of the NuGet Packages in .Droid and Portable project accordingly. The version conflict error is gone but get 1 error : [ The "Javac" task...
View ArticleIs there any possibility to replace the Master detail Page with Detail page...
I am new to Xamarin, Can anyone please help me to replace the Master detail Page with Detail page. Thanks in Advance
View ArticleWill Android Arch Comps be supported
The post titled Will Xamarin support the new Android Architecture Component is the only info I found regarding Android Arch Comps for Xamarin Android so far. There are 3 NuGet Xamarin.Android.Arch...
View ArticleLoad an image from the device into skiasharp canvas view?
What I want to do is either: load a picture from (i.e: gallery) into the canvas and draw on top of it, or do some drawing on a canvas then combine it with a picture Or if there is other way to achieve...
View ArticleXML errors
Can someone explain to me why im having this error? i just create a normal xml file for my left drawer, but it seams that the whole xml is the error. But i haven't done any wrong codes or error codes...
View ArticleUWP release build causes runtime errors
When I configure my UWP app to build on release it compiles fine, but during runtime I receive lots of exceptions: Exception thrown: 'System.IO.FileNotFoundException' in...
View ArticleBest practice for calling an Android Activity with a Dependency Service
I have a PCL that defines an Interface (IPictureTaker). From a viewmodel within the PCL, I use the DependencyService to call my SnapPic method : public interface IPictureTaker { void SnapPic(); } In...
View ArticleRegarding Back Problem in master details page
I am facing issues with on pressing the back button, my application get closed. actually i want to create a menu with hamburger icon that will display to all the application using master details page....
View ArticlePreview of page using Control Tempate does not show controls contained in...
Looking at this xamarin-forms-samples/Templates/ControlTemplates/SimpleTheme/ I have a control template in the resource dictionary: <ResourceDictionary> <ControlTemplate...
View ArticleHow to install apk programmatically via without publish ? Any body know...
Hi all, I have code for manually download the url just open it browser but get error 1.First way if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(url)) { Toast.MakeText(this, "APK URL:" + url, ToastLength.Long).Show();...
View ArticleHow can i use Syncfusion Plot inside specific layout in xamarin android?
Hello. In my app a I'm using Syncfusion plot. The problem is that the plot cover the whole device screen. How is it possible to display the plot inside specific layout or set width and height?
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