Processing real-time video with SkiaSharp
I am investigating if I can process real-time video using SkiaSharp. I want to see if I can replicate (or achieve something similar to) what I do in UWP using Win2D. As the apps that we are working on,...
View ArticleError while binding amazon ads sdk in xamarin
I'm trying to binding the amazon ads sdk in my project. I'm using the latest version (5.8.2). I follow all the steps describe here :...
View ArticleHow to access .dll or .so files in an android project
I have a folder with a lot of .so files which I'm trying to use while my code is running. I place them in a folder called "External" and then I try to access them like this:...
View ArticleBroadcastReceiver - Can't Start Service on Boot | Reboot
Hello everyone, I am facing problem to start background service on boot. My service runs without problems if started from anywhere else, but on boot, crashes immediately. Below is my BroadcastReceiver...
View ArticleEditor Width very small when empty
Hello, I'm struggling with Editor component and have no clue on how to solve it. I have an Editor (in fact an ExtEditor that inherits from Editor and has a Renderer). When the Text property is empty,...
View ArticleProcess.Start create an instance of the app instead of running a process
i run the following code and instead of running the package exe (just some command line stuff wrote in .NET) i notice another instance of the existing app does anyone had this and know how to solve it?...
View ArticleBinding from code behind
I have a listview that I am binding to two different sources. I am trying to set the binding for a label field in code behind but is doesn work. In the xaml, the first example (commented line) works,...
View ArticleCan the Picker signal my VM when it gains focus?
Does a 'focused' event fire before 'unfocused'? I tried to move the trigger from one control over to the picker control, but I get errors when the events are fired. The build is fine, and everything...
View ArticleLaunching another app
Hi Today I got asked a rather odd question if I can do a proof of concept app, I was asked if I can make two demo apps that will call each other I did this in objective-c easily (that's what I normally...
View ArticleFailed to launch DeviceAgent - ExitCode: 65
Hi, I'm trying to set up UITests for iOS in Visual Studio for Mac, but always running into the same error: SetUp : Xamarin.UITest.XDB.Exceptions.DeviceAgentException : Failed to launch DeviceAgent...
View ArticleHow to create a responsive layout to run in all device with xamarin.forms(Net...
I created a layout by using AbsolutLayout. This went a bad idea. I adjusted to my smartphone(Samsung J500), when i installed in other device(Samsung S5) the layout broken. In my case i have an image...
View ArticlePicker with ViewModel and SelectedIndex
Have a picker with ViewModel, populated by a Web Service (the Picker is populated by an object, that contains PolicyName, PolicyID and Description. What I want to do is be able to select the item in...
View ArticleTell me, please, how you can test the color and font of the element through...
I'm writing a design for tests and I need to find an element with a bold font. Is there any method in the Xamarin.UI.Test that allows you to get the properties of the element's fat content?
View ArticleGetting class not found exception when doing deeplinking
Hi, I am trying to add deeplinking feature to my project. My code in Androidmanifest.xml <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <manifest...
View ArticleIssue with Deeplinking
I implement deeplinking to android part of my xamarin forms project. But when I click the url, initially it loads a black page with app name on the top, after a short period only it opens my app. I...
View ArticleWhat is the format of android:name inside the activity,inside the application...
Dears, I add some code to the manifest file for launch my app by tapping a url. My code inside application tag of manifest file: <activity android:icon="@drawable/icon"...
View ArticleShowing error for Intent inside IntentFilter on Mainactivity.cs
Hi, I need to open my app by clicking a url. For that I follow the following url instructions: When I add codes IntentFilter to Mainactivity...
View ArticleHow to user AWS Cognito to Sign-in and Sign-up users
Does anyone know how to use AWS Cognito handle user registration and sign in for a mobile app? I have been trying to find examples/tutorials online for a while now but can't seem to find anything that...
View ArticleLive Player is getting wrong device IP address
Hello: I updated my Visual Studio Enterprise 2017 to Version 15.5.6. When I opened a Xamarin project I noticed a message that suggested me to test Xamarin Live Player. I tried it but I have some...
View ArticleOpen my app from a url and read value from that url
Hi, I want to open my app when tapping on a url and read the value appended to the url. For example, I need to get string "123" in my code by opening my app with url "myapp://open?code=123". I add some...
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