How can I rotate only a specific part of screen?
As a question title, I wonder how to rotate only a specific part of screen For example, most of camera application lock the rotation of screen and only button rotate when device tilts. How can I...
View ArticleWaze Api
Hi, Does someone knows if with Xamarin forms I can't implement a button which open Waze and give him an address? Thanks
View ArticleHide ToolBar in Landscape mode
Hi. I have a MasterPage and i want to hide ToolBar in LandscapeMode, but to be able to interact with MasterDetailPage. I saw this in Google Calendar.
View ArticleMediaPlugin for taking video with no preview to avoid getting beaten by the...
I am building an app for (cf. ) a Swedish non-profit aiming to reduce petty corruption worldwide, starting with Ghana, where it has established government contacts...
View ArticleWhy does my iOS simulator keep opening in my mac?
I have a a mac and a pc and much prefer pc. I have the lastest versions of VS2017 community on both devices and ideall would like to do most dev work on my PC as is it better. However whenever I launch...
View ArticleXamarin from UWP App publishing error
Hi, I am getting error in xamarin form UWP Project, When i am trying to generate the app package with "Compile .Net Native Tool Chain" option in debug and release mode both. The problem is if i am not...
View ArticleAppium tests (iOS). Children of a XCUIElementTypeTable do not show, also the...
I am automating my tests using appium. For this, I set the AutomationId of elements, and reference these in the tests. But now I have a structure like this: <ListView x:Name = "ResultList"...
View ArticleApp crashes with Android.Manifest.Permission.WriteExternalStorage
Hi! I need the WriteExternalStorage permission. However, once I add it to my manifest, my app immediately crashes. It does not even reach OnCreate(...). As soon as I remove the permission, the app...
View ArticleUnable to resolve dependencies. 'Xamarin.Android.Support.Design 24.2.1'
I see this error in VS2015 after having installed Xamarin and the SDK for Native Xamarin Apps: Unable to resolve dependencies. 'Xamarin.Android.Support.Design 24.2.1' is not compatible with...
View ArticleHow to tell if the date and time of the iphone phone has changed
The Iphone 5 s phone lasted for a while. When I checked, I noticed that 3 photos did not belong to me. However, the dates when these photos were uploaded to the phone belong to my time. I realized that...
View ArticlePass data from class to another activity.
I'm creating a login that if the user log's in, his/her data will be passed to another activity. BTW I'm using SQLite as my database. Here is my class: public class person { [PrimaryKey, AutoIncrement]...
View ArticleShare Project FFImageLoading.Transformations Missing transformation classes
I'm trying to programmatically add a TintTransformation to an svg. However, the none of the classes in the FFImageLoading.Transformations namespace are available. Only these are available:...
View Articlejava.exe exited with code 1 (Xamarin.Android.Common.targets)
We have been working on a cross-platform iOS/Android application and our builds are handled via TFS 2012. On a pretty regular basis, our builds fail due to the following error: C:\Program Files...
View ArticleRunning background task with interval in Xamarin forms even if the app is not...
Hello, everyone. I am a newbie to Xamarin but not to C#. I just started learning Xamarin Forms today and join the community today as well. Now I am trying to develop a simple application using Xamarin...
View ArticleHow to have a full-size stacklayout within a absolutelayout
Hello there! I encounter a width-problem, that I broke down to AbsoluteLayout and StackLayout. At first, I wanted to integrate AdMob-Banner-Ads. In general, they are displayed correctly. But when I...
View ArticleUnhandled Exception: System.NullReferenceException: NavigationPage could not...
Hi, I am developing a new project with Prism.. I am new with Prism. After I have created two new pages, I decided to delete the default mainpage.xaml from my project... I delete fisically. After that,...
View Article3-legged OAuth with Xamarin.Auth and SAP Cloud Platform
I'm getting my head around OAuth2 using Xamarin.Auth but there'sa few things I need help understanding. First off is the use of the URL Type (in iOS). I have successfully used 3-L OAuth with Facebook...
View ArticleHow do i build for all iPhones at the same time
Hi, guys I'm new with Xamarin, today i started building my first Xamarin applications ,but i noticed that when i was building it for Iphone X and then changed to iPhone 7 it didn't looked right is...
View ArticleActivityIndicator does not show AT ALL
I want to use a ActivityIndicator, basically for asynchronous actions to a server in a MVVM setup. I am trying that for the first time, it just won't go. Now a lot could be wrong, but even in the...
View ArticleAttach NSTableCellView to TableColumn programmatically
Hi there, I'm an experienced c# developer porting an app to the Mac/iOS although I'm very new to writing anything for an Apple environment so it's a massive learning curve finding out how it all hangs...
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