constant sync between an asmx webservice and android application
hey guys, i'm new to mobile application development, i'm stuck on how to maintain constant sync between my asmx and android application added through web reference, what i wanna do is to check...
View ArticleTouch (Click,Move,Press) Programmatically
Hi. I have a problem about I have a service. And i want to do automatic touch process with service. "Click,Move,Press". How can i do this with Xamarin. This process is done with...
View ArticleUrls behing Geocoding methods of Xamarin.Forms.Maps
Hello, I have a problem where the GeoCoding methods are not working in a particular network. I believe it is due to the firewall blocking the url behind these methods. So It would help if you could...
View ArticlePass data from class to another activity.
I'm creating a login that if the user log's in, his/her data will be passed to another activity. BTW I'm using SQLite as my database. Here is my class: public class person { [PrimaryKey, AutoIncrement]...
View ArticleiOS 11 - Carousel page issues
Hi, I updated my project to use the latest Xamarin forms and the latest iOS 11 build. Previously my carousel page seemed to just swipe left to right/right to left. But since the update the carousel...
View ArticleLong Path error , my dev has come to a stand still please help
I tried enabling the new longpath feature in windows 10 group policy , it doesnt help , i tried moving my project to c:\ , doesnt work i get the same problem . Severity Code Description Project File...
View Article[Jenkins]Xamarin.Android.Common.targets(387,2): error :The specified path, or...
I'm trying to build the android solution from jenkins but i get the following error: _ResolveMonoAndroidSdks: MonoAndroid Tools: C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\Xamarin\Android\ MonoAndroid Binaries:...
View ArticleHow does one create a button or label with underlined text?
I feel stupid even asking, but there you go. It isn't obvious to me. I don't see a way to underline or add/set other text type attributes to text.
View ArticleError ReasonPhrase: 'Request-URI Too Long', Version: 1.1, cause image...
Halo Everyone, I work on a xamarin forms app, and I need to convert my image to byte and then upload it when InsertMethod call. The conversion result will be one of the parameters in insert method. But...
View ArticleLayout Issue
Hi, I am very new to Xamarin Android with no training. What I want to do is set an android layout so that I have a label (textview) and next to it a control like autocomplete which I have managed to do...
View ArticleHow to use zooming event in UWP MapRenderer
Hello, Im using with CustomMapRenderer [ UWP ] After zoom out i would like change group of pins in only one pin symbolizing that group. This pin should have dynamic label. I didnt...
View ArticleWhy custom theme for Xamarin.Android won't work in a .Net Shared native project?
I created an android project in xamarin, custom theme works fine but when i add the same code to my android project in .netshared project it doesn't work. i used appcompat theme.Here is my code:...
View ArticleRunning background task with interval in Xamarin forms even if the app is not...
Hello, everyone. I am a newbie to Xamarin but not to C#. I just started learning Xamarin Forms today and join the community today as well. Now I am trying to develop a simple application using Xamarin...
View ArticleListView NullReferenceException when reseting / updating ItemSource
In my ViewModel I have a property called 'Objects' which is an ObservableCollection. When I setup the ListView it is as such: ObjectList = new ListView() { IsPullToRefreshEnabled = true, HasUnevenRows...
View ArticleXamarin has no xxhdpi support?
I create values folders exactly as my drawable folders ie : values-xhdpi, values-xxhdpi. Although values-xhdpi and values-sw720dp dimens work, when i change the layout preview to Nexus 5 (which is...
View ArticleHow to create .NET 2.0 Standard project?
How to create .NET 2.0 Standard project? Now there is only 1.6v support.
View ArticleCustom 3d models (Very strange behaviour)
Hi, I'm trying to learn UrhoSharp (hoping I'm not losing my time as the project doesn't seem very active). Everything is going very well, after few days I can already do a lot of different things bnut...
View ArticleHow to add .NET STandard 2.0 support?
How to add .NET STandard 2.0 support into VS for MAC?
View ArticleHow to do this bundle signing/provisioning
After a day of trying , I need some help. I cannot build from Visual Studio on Windows using an Agent on the MAc. Xamarin support is still trying to find out what the problem is. So I decided to build...
View ArticleUnable to take picture on Android N in ?
{Android.OS.FileUriExposedException: file:///storage/emulated/0/Android/data/bundlename/files/LeadPhoto/1.png exposed beyond app through ClipData.Item.getUri() at...
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