App working properly in 11.2 but slowing down in 9.3
I have an App which works smoothly in iOS 11.2 but when i install the same app on iOS 9.3 then the app works smoothly for some time say 30-40 seconds but after that the app goes to slow by around 2-3...
View ArticleControllers and ViewSources in iOS
I want to make two tabs with the same UI (a bit different logic) so What do I need? two Controllers OR Two ViewSources Classes?
View ArticleWrong Currency Symbol in value.ToString("c") for certain regions
This is a recent regression. If in the iOS Region settings you select a country with Euros as a currency (most of our customers) you should get a Euro symbol when expressing a currency with...
View ArticleNavigation bar back tapped twice problem
Hello, When I hit twice the back button from the NavigationBar I go to the previous page twice. Exemple : Navigation : (page A ->page B ->page C) I'm on page C => Hit back button from...
View ArticleWrite to contacts on Xamarin.Forms
Hi, I'm trying to write contact information into their respective address books. I've seen examples on reading contacts (still haven't managed to get it to work, none of the examples compile, have to...
View ArticleHow to have a full-size stacklayout within a absolutelayout
Hello there! I encounter a width-problem, that I broke down to AbsoluteLayout and StackLayout. At first, I wanted to integrate AdMob-Banner-Ads. In general, they are displayed correctly. But when I...
View ArticleHandling themes simply and effectively
Hi For my app i need to have two themes, normal and dark (how original..!) But i don't really know how to handle that with Xamarin. In my settings i have a switch allowing the user to choose between...
View ArticleNugets giving error: Restored using '.NETFramework, Version=4.61' instead of...
I've been trying different packages to try and convert a docX to a PDF, but they're all throwing the same warning, and then further errors if I attempt to use their code. Here's a screenshot of a blank...
View ArticleConvert docX to PDF free
I'm trying to figure out how to convert a docX file that was downloaded as a byte stream and written to a file into a PDF so that I can open it using the PDFViewPage. I'd rather not pay for any...
View ArticleHow to show Confirmation Alert dialog before popping a Page in Xamarin.Forms ?
I am developing a cross platform application using Xamarin.Forms. I have two pages page1 and page2. When moving from page2 to page1, using Navigation.PopAsync, I need to show an alert dialog to let the...
View ArticleCharacteristics notifications/indications stop problem!
Hi, I have the problem using Indication on characteristic. If I connect to my device and use "SetCharacteristicNotification(myCharacteristic,true);" I get an update on my characteristics everytime they...
View ArticleDevice orientation change and CarouselView
Hi there! I'm using the CarouselView along with Grial UI Kit in one of my Xamarin Forms App. I've got it work fine, in iOS & Android and it looks good in a portrait view on both the phones. The...
View ArticleCarouselView control is not displaying correct position.
I am using CarouselView control in my application for displaying details related to various topics. Design is in such a way that on first screen list of topics will be displayed to user. On tapping on...
View Articleelement is not of type xamarin.forms.view Error When starting Blank Xaml App
It's began after Xamarin updating After creating Xamarin forms (Blank Xaml App) project in VS2015 I'm trying to start this project in debug mode with out any changes. And, in the time of starting...
View ArticleAzure Mobile App SQL Database inner join query?
Hi, I have created a Xamarin.Forms app on Visual Studio that connects to an Azure SQL Database via an Azure Mobile App. So far everything is working really well, however I have not been able to perform...
View ArticleSymbol Server/Source Server support
Hello, we are using ProGet to embed the pdb and the source in our NuGet packages. That works fine with all regular .NET environments but it seems that the Xamarin-Debugger is neither able to download...
View ArticleImages in carouselview are resized when I change the orientation of the...
when i change the orientation some section of the image is not visible I'll show the code i'm using <Grid RowSpacing="0"> <Grid.RowDefinitions> <RowDefinition Height=".3*"/>...
View ArticleSet SplashScreen as .axml file?
Hello, Is possible to use my .axml file as SplashScreen? I need show "license info" during loading conditional to trial expiration days. For android studio looks like is possible:...
View ArticleFreshTinyIoC.TinyIoCResolutionException: Resolve failed: APageModel
Hello @MichaelRidland , I have a bug I'd like to report that's driving me nuts for the past few days. When I try to resolve a page model, very often I get an exception, more precisely a...
View ArticleHow to remove ellipsis button in navigation bar for UWP?
How do I remove ellipsis button from the navigation bar in UWP? If there are no toolbar items on my page, the ellipsis button is gone. Once I add a toolbar item, the ellipsis button is added.
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