Can't catch exceptions from HttpWebRequest after Xamarin update
Hi, I recently updated everything in my Visual Studio Mac installation. I still use Xamarin Forms 3.1 though. After this update, I have got a lot of crashes from Android users (I haven't released the...
View ArticleHow to Add a custom button on the top of keyboard
I want to add a button above keyboard. When I show the keyboard I want to show this button. There is an example here but unfortunately, it is for ios....
View ArticleResize View on content changed
I have the following situation: On my xaml page I have a setup that looks like this: Open Bracket ScrollView Close Bracket Open Bracket local:MyView x:Name="Test" BackgroundColor="White"...
View ArticleXamarin with Azure IoT Hub
May I know how to show or plot the graph of sensors data from Azure IoT hub by using Xamarin.Forms?
View ArticleInfinite Timeout with HttpWebRequest on some URLs
Hei Guys, i need to communicate in an iOS App with an WCF - Service. So VS created some Proxy-Classes and all Works fine and well. Also the Timeouts work well. But if the Communication is made over a...
View ArticleXamarin.Forms Previewer Android is initialize forever
Hi, As can see by the attached image Previewer on Android mode initialize forever. No problem with iOS mode. I am using VS 2017 with latest updates also all nuget packages are up to date. Xamarin...
View ArticleStore server return value
I receive return list with that and I call to list with this When clicking this list view item I want to call another page with position;
View ArticleHow to convert c# object to native NSObject
Hi , i am having the object data in which current datasource item is stored in forms. I need to map the item to native item. NSObject obj = (NSObject) data; It shows the error as cannot convert object...
View ArticleCannot open pdf document in Pdf viewer
Hi i am currently trying to open a web pdf in xamarin forms page using following code Device.OpenUri(new Uri(strWebUrl)); When i click , some pdf's are showing option as "Open with Drive PDF Viewer" ....
View ArticleOnDnsSdTxtRecordAvailable is not fired some times
I am developing the the application for transferring data in offline.I used the IDnsSdTxtRecordListener for sensing the near by device.And implement the function OnDnsSdTxtRecordAvailable,this function...
View ArticleHow to open PDF or TXT file in default app on Xamarin Forms
I am going to open document using default app in Xamarin Forms. I tried already this approach but it doesn't work for me and I am not sure what is the reason. Device.OpenUri(new Uri(FILE_PATH)); Please...
View ArticleXamarin Forms Application build problem missing DLL
**Error ** : The "ResolveLibraryProjectImports" task failed unexpectedly. System.IO.FileNotFoundException: Could not load assembly 'DummyApp, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken='. Perhaps...
View ArticleHow can we apply MVVM pattern in step by step
How can we apply MVVM pattern in step by step
View ArticleMVVM pattern in
Can any one plz tell me that we can apply mvvm pattern in the same way like we apply in xamarin.forms if yes then plz give me a reference about that or any example will be helpful
View ArticleTabbedPage icons not shown when set position to bottom
Hello All, I am a beginner in Xamarin and trying to use TabbedPage for my application. When I used TabbedPage and set the icons, it works fine. Then I set the TabbedPage position to bottom. However,...
View ArticleGrid Column expands when Label break line
Greetings everyone, I'm having a problem when my Label binded with the text "displayString" inside the listview stacklayout is too large and breaks the line, expanding the column it belongs, its shown...
View ArticleVery strange error
Hi all togehter, as asked in this thread: I have a very strange error. As before, running as UWP works perfectly, the problem is only...
View ArticleIs System.Net.Mqtt package reliable?
Hello everyone, I need to have MQTT communication in my app and it seems that the most used package is this one: Do you guys use it or preffer other package? I'm a bit...
View ArticleHow to set image title, description/caption & tags
Hello there, I'm trying to set the image properties like title, caption/description & tags but failing with it. I'hv done it in my windows app but with the same code i'm failing in my mac...
View ArticleHow to set increment counter in TextWatcher in getView method ?
I'm trying to add some results from a quiz so that when user gets each right answer it adds 1 to it but the code below never gives me the right answer the 'correctAns = correctAns+1' gives me all 5 at...
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