Android Binding: Class is not abstract and does not override abstract method
I am building my binding project and I am getting 12 warnings and 0 errors. These are all my warnings. Warnings:...
View ArticleFlexlayout Drag and drop`?
Does flexlayout have drag and drop feature? i have seen on twitter, somebody posted a video for that but i cant find information about it now. or any view in xamarin forms 3.5 has this ability?
View Articleget Power fail/restart exceptions during Android native debugging
Hi! I got many "power fail/restart" exceptions on uncertain locations during native debugging. I guess what caused it is that I access sensors data by sensor manager. I can't show my code and I remove...
View Articleget Power fail/restart exceptions during Android native debugging
Hi! I got many "power fail/restart" exceptions on uncertain locations during native debugging. I guess what caused it is that I access sensors data by sensor manager. I can't show my code and I remove...
View Articleget Power fail/restart exceptions during Android native debugging
Hi! I got many "power fail/restart" exceptions on uncertain locations during native debugging. I guess what caused it is that I access sensors data by sensor manager. I can't show my code and I remove...
View ArticleHow to start out
I'm using VS 2017 Community. Xamarin is installed. I've created a few very tiny apps which sort of run. I'm used to creating C# native Windows apps. I build them and then run them. I do not know if my...
View ArticleMvvmLight binding stops working on one of the directions. Binding edittext of...
Hello, I am having an issue with a binding that is killing me. On my fragment I have _viewModel.NameEntry = "test"; _bindings.Add(this.SetBinding(() => _viewModel.NameEntry, () =>...
View ArticleXamarin forms android splash screen appear when navigation.pushasync and...
style.xml <? xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"? > < resources > < style name = "MainTheme" parent="MainTheme.Base" > < /style > < item name = "windowNoTitle"> true <...
View ArticleXamarin.Forms (Android) - Spacing between TableSections
Is it possible to have a spacing between TableSections within a TableView on Android just like iOS did it?
View ArticleUnable to share file using chooser intent and FileProvider
Hi I am currently having an issue when trying to share a file using a FileProvider. In all but one test instance, the file is not available to the application selected from the chooser intent. Running...
View ArticleNewbe question (Linking to a Visual Basic class library)
I want to develope a mobile application for my company using Xamarin. I have got to grips with basics of Xamarin to the point at which and want to start using my companies standard routines for inter...
View ArticleXamarin.Forms reference not found.
Hi all! does anyone know why VS2017 can not see the reference of Xamarin.Forms even it was installed? (See the attached pic) Thanks! Mabrouk.
View ArticleSelection of multiple images from Gallery.(Xamarin forms)
Unable to select multiple images from android gallery. Please help.
View ArticleSelection of multiple images from Gallery.(Xamarin forms)
Unable to select multiple images from android gallery. I was able to perform multi select images from iOS using Dependency service, but in android i achieved multiple selection using native code to an...
View ArticleXamarin.Android CI Builds on VSO
Anyone has success stories to share? I have my Xamarin.Android in VSO and I am trying to setup a build definition. First I was getting this error The specified solution configuration "Debug|BWS" is...
View ArticleZXing.Net into standard .net 2.0 library and Xamarin application
Hi, I'm new to Xamarin and this whole .NET, I,m starting a new project and I was creating .NET library 2.0 to put the commun code. I have a need to extract multiple barcode from an image and was using...
View ArticleScrollViewer vs. Enclosed, how to control who gets the MotionEvents?
I have a somewhat complicated design that has just slammed face first into reality. I have an ImageView which shows a photo or other bitmap. I have a SketchCanvas which overlaps it, and the user can...
View ArticleHow do I get the tabreselect event with tabbar at the bottom on android?
I'm trying to get an event firing when tab item of tabbedpage is reselected. I've searched trough the forum and found that on Android, I need to create a customrenderer with void...
View ArticleHow to check device is in ideal state for some particular time.
Hello, I want to check that in my application is device is in ideal state? means no activity perform in application.So how we can detect?
View ArticleSetting the resource file I want to use (not using localization)
Hello there! I read about you can use .resx resource files automatically according the Localization of the App, so if you have MyData.en.resx and, it will use one or another according if...
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