How to get Absolute Layout and Relative Layout to Autosize to the size of...
The design requirement is to put a label and a button on the image. The Image is in a DataTemplate of ListView. I want to use Absolute Layout. But it expand way out of the child element (image). So how...
View ArticleAdd InsertCommand to dataAdapter with SqliteCommandBuilder
I'm trying to generate InsertCommand to SqliteDataAdapter but got this error: Unhandled Exception: System.InvalidOperationException: Dynamic SQL generation is not supported against a SelectCommand that...
View ArticleSelection of multiple images from Gallery.(Xamarin forms)
Unable to select multiple images from android gallery. I was able to perform multi select images from iOS using Dependency service, but in android i achieved multiple selection using native code to an...
View Articlebinding model string to x:name for form element in xaml
How to bind a binding context string to a element x:name and get that element in click element? Eg : When i try to find this by name, im just getting null. Any help is truly appreciated
View ArticleHow to set up the input method correctly für the phone input panel?
Hi there, I am having problems with the "phone" input type. If i choose this the input panel looks right for my purpose, but I could not enter any characters. So they are inactive and I could only use...
View ArticleAbsoluteLayout not working as expected
Hi Folks, I have some very weird placement of controls with absoluteLayout. The whole thing looks buggy to me actually. Instead of giving an example from my own code, please see this page:...
View ArticleAbsoluteLayout - how to put a StackLayout 30% from the top of the page
Hi, I've an issue, which probably is very easy to solve, but I have no idea how to do it. I want to have a StackLayout element (100x100), so that its top border would be at 30% of a page. I wrote this...
View ArticleAuto logout after x minutes due to idle/inactivity in android
Is there way on how to auto logout the session of the user, when the user is idle or not clicking the app? Thank you.
View ArticleXamarin forms: Hide Flowlistview item including it's space from UI based on a...
I am using flowlistview for listing images. I need to hide the image if pageStatus value is OFF and show the image if pageStatus value is ON. I tried like below: In model: public string pageStatus {...
View Articleimages and graphs are not showing
<Image Aspect="AspectFit" Margin="0" HeightRequest="10" WidthRequest="10" Source="{local1:EmbeddedImage}"/>
View Articleis there a way to check lockscreen enable or not?
hello everyone. i need to make a project that can detect if password are being set or not on android in form of true or false. can someone help me figure it out? thank you
View ArticleWatchOS 5.1 TCP Outgoing connection problem
Hello. My Watch App call web service on https protocol in Internet. I have always nw_resolver_create_dns_service_locked error: WatchKit Extension[326:81502] dnssd_clientstub ConnectToServer:...
View ArticleCall Command from Page.cs
Hi everyone i have Login page with Button private async Task ClickAsync(Button signinbutton) { signinbutton.IsEnabled = false; RegisterButton.IsEnabled = false; try { string HtmlText =...
View ArticleProblem with Absolute Layout and Overlay Areas
Hi there! I have a View with list view and, using absolute layout, I created an editor for that list view. The editor, when visible, overlays itens 2 to 6. I can tap or press itens 1 and 7 to call the...
View ArticleNavigating and Navigated events of webView not working on Android
I am using navigating and navigated events of webView in xamarin forms, these events working fine on ios but on android when page load these event does'nt work. I am using these events to add busy...
View ArticleTabbed Bar Tricks for iOS
Hello, I am using a Tabbed Page for my main page and added icons for each content page. On Android those icons looks very nice, but same Icons on iOS looks awful. For those icons, I am using png files....
View ArticleMissing required Icons
Hi, we have a problem uploading our app to the iOS app store for some days now. Actually it is a Forms App but hope it's still correct in this forum. The app was working before but since we updated to...
View ArticleiOS : ToolbarItems not displaying on root navigation page
Hello all, I got three toolbaritems in my app which display everywhere on Android. Prob is on iOS it only shows on pages which are pushed in the navigationPage. When I'm on the root page of the...
View ArticleWatchConnectivity, Session, Watch iPhone
I am trying to implement communication between WatchExtension and iOS App. I would like every time I press the UI button on Apple Wach to follow the method on the iOS application side (regardless of...
View ArticleCMSampleBuffer Attachment Setting
Trying to set DisplayImmediately setting but cannot se how, got so far... CMSampleBufferAttachmentSettings[] sampleBufferAttachmentSettings = sampleBuffer.GetSampleAttachments(true);...
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