Infinite Timeout after second HttpWebRequest
Hei Guys, we have a iOS Application which communicates via a WCF Webservice with our own Webservice. We implemented the WcfProxy with Visual Studio and all Works well. Now one of our customers has a...
View ArticleIssue reported while submitting windows app to windows store
I have developed a Xamarin Forms(.Net standard) UWP app and submitted it to windows store, but the windows store team reject the app because of the following issue. The app doesn’t install on one or...
View ArticleXamarin.Forms Sirikit Implementation.
I need to implement in a Xamarin.Forms Project Sirikit. I have tested sirikit in xamarin.ios only projects and works fine. Cant say the same about Xamarin Forms. I dont know whats going on because it...
View ArticleIs it possible to use BOTH a Notification Service Extension and Notification...
For my application I am using a Notification Service Extension to modify the way the notification is displayed to the user. I also want to display a photo in its content, for this I understand I would...
View ArticlePass Image from one page to another
Hi, I have been trying to pass the image captured through the CustomRenderer that works on the native iOS platform. I want to pass the image data from one page to another as done in Android through...
View ArticleWhat do you use for mass mailing?
What do you use for mass mailing? It is necessary for the promotion strategy to use mass mailing. Friends advise...
View ArticleMy question is on "Xamarin Profiler".
Can I use Xamarin profiler, while deploying my code on a physical device? I ideally want to do for both iOS and Android. But just started with PoC on Android. I am able to get the code deployed on...
View ArticleListview Selected Item Background Color
Is it possible to set the ListView selected item background color? Right now on IOS its gray and I want it to be transparent if possible.
View ArticleXamarin.Forms CardsView nuget package
Hi all) I've released new package for Xamarin.Forms (Something like Tinder's CardsView) Maybe, someone will be interested in it -- nuget...
View ArticleCarouselView implementation, CardsView nuget package I decided, that somebody could understand topic's title wrong
View ArticleCarousel View Custom Renderer Alternative?
Since there is not a Carousel View just yet (and Xamarin doesn't sound convinced to make one), has anyone made a custom renderer that can share some code on how to make a swipable carousel?
View ArticleCarouselView with previewing side elements (Here is how)
CoverFlowView is a part of CardsView nuget package allows to achieve it. Check github for more info
View Articlehow to pass json object as an value for one of the key in post request?
I have three keys personname,billingdate and nozzolereadings...I am able to work with name and date as it is simple string but nozzolereadings is asking for json object as a value.. My required json...
View ArticleIs it possible to ship an SDK using Xamarin for iOS & Android?
Essentially, I'd like to ship an SDK for my product. Instead of doing this in Android, iOS and Windows respectively, I'm wondering if its possible for me to use Xamarin to ship for all platforms from...
View Articleget Power fail/restart exceptions during Android native debugging
Hi! I got many "power fail/restart" exceptions on uncertain locations during native debugging. I guess what caused it is that I access sensors data by sensor manager. I can't show my code and I remove...
View Articleget Power fail/restart exceptions during Android native debugging
Hi! I got many "power fail/restart" exceptions on uncertain locations during native debugging. I guess what caused it is that I access sensors data by sensor manager. I can't show my code and I remove...
View Articlehow to solve getting null value in List after Deserialize JSON Object?
I want to get List of bills . I am getting data in response and content also. but after Deserialize the JSON object bills = data.bill_details as List; in this line i am getting Null value. Any...
View ArticleHow to use CouchbaseLite with Xamarin forms PCL project?
I read documentation, it says use shared library option. How to do in PCL project, any example or demo? TIA
View ArticleArchiving, .apk is missing the application icon?
I have a Xamarin project with custom icon for my app. Icon works correctly when deploying to device from Visual Studio, but when I create an .apk file with Archive functionality, I get the default icon...
View ArticleSharapie tool does not generate C# code properly.
Hi Folks, I want to print receipts using EPSON TM-T88V thermal POS printer through mobile on Android and iOS platform. For Android, I downloaded EPSON SDK from here. For iOS, I downloaded it from here....
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