Hei Guys,
we have a iOS Application which communicates via a WCF Webservice with our own Webservice. We implemented the WcfProxy with Visual Studio and all Works well. Now one of our customers has a unique problem. He uses a vpn to obtain a connection from the mobile device to our webservice. Sometimes the vpn is not correctly loaded and our app tries to open a connection to an internal webservice adress. If this happens the first request via the HttpWebRequest (used in the generated WcfProxy) will trigger after the set timeout period a timeout exception (so far, so good). Now if we call a secondary method of the WcfProxy to this (not existing) Url the HttpWebRequest will never come back and will stay forever. Only we can accompolish a connection to the vpn, then the function will correctly excuted.
This problem can be replicated by following simple function:
//---Format for Forums-Post changed to don't look like a Url ;-)
HttpWebRequest request = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create("https" + "://" + "sg.eurowig.local" + "/" + "abc.html");
request.Timeout = 1000;
request.ContinueTimeout = 1000; //Try
request.ReadWriteTimeout = 1000; //Try
request.KeepAlive = false; //Try
request.ServicePoint.MaxIdleTime = 1000; //Try
request.Method = "HEAD"; //Try
using (HttpWebResponse response = (HttpWebResponse)request.GetResponse())
//Console.Log("We reached the destination");
catch (WebException exc)
request.Abort(); //Try
request = null; //Try
GC.Collect(); //Try
My expirience so far:
- Compiled on Visual Studio for Mac 7.7.3 on an iPhone 8 Plus with iOS 12.1
- >> No timeout on second call
- Compiled with Visual Studio for Windows 2017 on an iPhone 8 Plus with iOS 12.1
- >> No timeout on second call
- Tried with an not existing URL like "my.domain.that.does.not.exist"
- >> Direct exception - Cant resolve hostname << Works
- Different settings in the HttpWebRequest Object, as u see on the //Try comment each line...
- >> No timeout on second call
Anyone an ideas, how to run into the timeout in the second call?
thanks in advance too you guys,