I have developed a Xamarin Forms(.Net standard) UWP app and submitted it to windows store, but the windows store team reject the app because of the following issue.
The app doesn’t install on one or more of the currently selected device families due to an unsupported minimum OS version. If the affected device family is not intended to be targeted, then please de-select the unsupported device family and resubmit the app. Otherwise, please change the minimum and/or target OS version that the app supports (https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/uwp/updates-and-versions/choose-a-uwp-version#choose-which-version-to-use-for-your-app)
My apps min and target versions are Windows 10 Fall Creators Update(10.0; Build 16299). I am targetting my app only for windows 10 desktop devices and Windows 10 mobile devices. So what is the correct min and target versions for my app?