How will i Dismiss Picker when i tap wherever
Hi, i Want to dismiss the picker when i tap on background or wherever Now my Hamburger and Picker is overlaping
View ArticleFull Screen Image Viewer (with Pinch to Zoom, Pan to Move, Tap to show...
I'm working on a full screen image page that supports pinch to zoom, pan to move and tap to show captions. I'm basing this on how image viewer works in apps such as Facebook and Yelp. My code is built...
View ArticleXamarin and android studio is like each other ??
Hi there . I have a question . I'm learning android studio with java because about 90% of the companies in my country works with android studio . But i like the c# and visual studio . I work with...
View ArticleTabbed Bar Tricks for iOS
Hello, I am using a Tabbed Page for my main page and added icons for each content page. On Android those icons looks very nice, but same Icons on iOS looks awful. For those icons, I am using png files....
View ArticleTitleBar on AXML
Hi, I just new on using XAMARIN on Visual Studio. I would like to ask on how to remove the titlebar on the activity_main.axml Thanks.
View ArticleHow to properly set Device.BeginInvokeOnMainThread to await DisplayAlert...
Greetings everyone, I'm trying to display an Alert for my user but the function is not awaiting the Device.BeginInvokeOnMainThread to give the correct wannaChange, I've tryied somethings but didnt...
View ArticleCross platform video player
Hello, What is the most popular and mature video player library used in Xamarin.Forms nowadays? I am aware of Adam Fisher's Xamarin.Forms.VideoPlayer library but although it is pretty successful on...
View ArticleiPhone simulators missing from debug device list
I am running Visual Studio 15.9.5 on Windows 10, I have a MacBook Pro with Visual Studio for Mac and all the latest updates, with Xcode 10.1. In Xcode Preferences/Components, you can see I have...
View ArticleClickable on TextView not working
Hello everyone, I'm having a problem with TextView, I'm trying to leave it with a wave effect similar to the button, I tried to implement "android: clickable = 'true'", but it did not work ... anyone...
View ArticleWith the integration of XamU into Microsoft Learn - Can we expect real...
Just as the title says, I've been developing with Xamarin for a few years, obviously have my MCSD App Builder certification etc. But would really like to see some Microsoft Certifications for Xamarin...
View ArticleDefault PlaceholderColour for Entry has opacity on Android Marshmallow but is...
The placeholder text looks 'right' on Android 6: but on Android 4.4 it's black and a bit too strong Is there a way to fix this app-wide without having to set a colour with an Alpha value for every entry?
View ArticleXamarin.Forms app does not run after released to "TestFlight"
My Xamarin.Forms app runs fine on emulators, and I can connect an iPhone 5 to my MacBook and successfully debug and run the app on a physical phone in debug mode. However, after pushing the release to...
View ArticleReproduce carousel view behaviour/animation/transition to a horizontal scroll...
Hey developers, I have so far tried to use a carousel view due to its ease of use and of course its performance. But I tried to show the tail of each UI elements (let's say we've a bunch of cards)...
View ArticlePicker pops up twice
I have a simple picker inside a list view and on my devices when I use my finger to scroll or tap it pops up twice I have verified this on multiple devices and I know it is not my code - it's just a...
View ArticleWas going to use Xamarin forms to produce iOS and Android apps
However drag and drop in Xamarin forms just showed a red circle with a slash through it. Is this a paid feature that is required to use which means upgrading from Visual Studio 2017 Community. I tried...
View ArticleHow to fix a nuget package installation error
Hello everyone My problem is about installing nuget Xamarin.Essentials package for Android. To isolate the error I started a new empty Xamarin project that I called "test". I am installing this package...
View ArticleHow to use material components in application Xamarin.Android ?
Hello everyone I develop currently a application Xamarin.Android and i would like to use material components (MDC), in my application because i like the design in contrary to the basic...
View ArticleBackground and Foreground app and Push Notifications.
Hello developers, I'm using the plugin and The plugin work good, I receive the...
View ArticleXamarin.Form How do i get the count of items from a folder? and the name of...
I have Project 1 Default for the other platforms Folder Images 1.jpg 2.jpg Project 2 Android Folder Images 1.jpg 2.jpg Project 3 iOS Folder Images 1.jpg 2.jpg PART 1 If i want to count the number of...
View ArticleWhat is the best place to pre-process data before any UI is initialized?
I want to process the data in a database before any UI pulls the data from it through View Model. Since async / await operations involved, which is the best place to pre-process data? I find doing it...
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